>                           The politics of hunger
>     Now here's a statistic you might have missed. The total wealth of
>     the world's three richest individuals is greater than the
>     combined gross domestic product (1) of the 48 poorest countries -
>     a quarter of all the world's states.
>     Everybody knows inequality has increased over the last 20 years
>     of unfettered ultra-liberalism. But who could have imagined the
>     gap had widened so far? In 1960 the income of the 20 % of the
>     world's population living in the richest countries was 30 times
>     greater than that of the 20 % in the poorest countries. Now we
>     learn that in 1995 it was 82 times greater (2). In over 70
>     countries, per capita income is lower today than it was 20 years
>     ago. Almost three billion people - half the world's population -
>     live on less than two dollars a day.
>     While goods are more abundant than ever before, the number of
>     people without shelter, work or enough to eat is constantly
>     growing. Of the 4_ billion people living in developing countries,
>     almost a third have no drinking water. A fifth of all children
>     receive an insufficient intake of calories or protein. And two
>     billion people - a third of the human race - are suffering from
>     anaemia.
>     Is this the way it has to be? The answer is no. The UN calculates
>     that the whole of the world population's basic needs for food,
>     drinking water, education and medical care could be covered by a
>     levy of less than 4 % on the accumulated wealth of the 225
>     largest fortunes. To satisfy all the world's sanitation and food
>     requirements would cost only $13 billion, hardly as much as the
>     people of the United States and the European Union spend each
>     year on perfume.
>     Next month will see the 50th anniversary of the Universal
>     Declaration on Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the
>     right to a standard of living adequate for the health and
>     well-being of himself and of his family, including food,
>     clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social
>     services". But for most of humanity, these rights are
>     increasingly inaccessible.
>     Consider, for example, the right to food. Food is not in short
>     supply. In fact, food products have never been so abundant. There
>     is enough available to provide each of the Earth's inhabitants
>     with at least 2,700 calories a day. But production alone is not
>     enough. The people who need the food must be able to buy it and
>     consume it. And that is precisely the problem. Thirty million
>     people a year die of hunger. And 800 million suffer from chronic
>     malnutrition.
>     Again, there is nothing inevitable about this. Climatic problems
>     are often predictable. When humanitarian organisations like
>     Action Against Hunger (3) are able to intervene, they can often
>     nip a famine in the bud in a matter of weeks. And yet hunger
>     continues to decimate whole populations.
>     Why? Because hunger has become a political weapon. In today's
>     world, no famine is gratuitous. Hunger is a strategy pursued with
>     unbelievable cynicism by governments and military regimes whom
>     the end of the cold war has deprived of a steady income. Rather
>     than starving the enemy, as Sylvie Brunel points out (4), they
>     are starving their own populations in order to cash in on media
>     coverage and international compassion, an inexhaustible source of
>     money, food and political platforms.
>     In Somalia, Sudan, Liberia, North Korea, Burma and Afghanistan,
>     governments and military leaders are holding innocent people
>     hostage and starving them for political ends, sometimes with
>     appalling cruelty. In Sierra Leone, the men of ex-Corporal Foday
>     Sankoh's Revolutionary United Front (RUF), in a horrific
>     year-long campaign of terror, have been systematically chopping
>     off peasants' hands with machetes to prevent them cultivating the
>     land. Climate has become a marginal factor in major famines. It
>     is man who is starving man.
>     Amartya Sen, the winner of this year's Nobel prize for economics,
>     is renowned for showing how government policies can cause famine
>     even when food is abundant. On several occasions, he has stressed
>     "the remarkable fact that, in the terrible history of famines in
>     the world, no substantial famine has ever occurred in any
>     independent and democratic country with a relatively free press
>     (5)". Rejecting the arguments of the neo-liberals, Professor Sen
>     contends that greater responsibility for the well-being of
>     society must be given, not to the market, but to the state. A
>     state that must be sensitive to the needs of its citizens and, at
>     the same time, concerned with human development throughout the
>     world.
>       ____________________________________________________________
>     Translated by Barry Smerin
>     (1) Overall national production of goods and services.
>     (2) Human Development Report 1998, United Nations Development
>     Programme, New York, September 1998. See also Dominique Vidal,
>     "Dans le Sud, diveloppement ou rigression?", Le Monde
>     diplomatique, October 1998.
>     (3) UK office: 1, Catton Street, London WC1R 4AB, email
>     [EMAIL PROTECTED]; US office: 875 avenue of the Americas, Suite
>     1905, New York NY 10001, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     (4) See Sylvie Brunel and Jean-Luc Bodin, Giopolitique de la
>     faim. Quand la faim est une arme, (annual report by Action
>     Against Hunger), PUF, Paris, 1998, 310 p., 125 F, soon to be
>     available in English as "The Hunger Report".
>     (5) See "Human Rights and Asian Values: What Lee Kuan Yew and Le
>     Peng don't understand about Asia", The New Republic, July 14,
>     1997.
>   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ) 1998 Le Monde diplomatique

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