I guess it's kind of amusing to see the architect of the most reactionary
elements of the Liberal government's Employment Insurance reforms (Nakamura)
involved in setting up an electronic "hiring hall" for the post secondary
"labour market". James Galbraith points out the utter fallacy and mischief
of this notion of a "labour market" in his book, _Created Unequal_.

>>Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 19:41:29 -0400 (EDT)
>>Originator: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Precedence: bulk
>>From: Peggy Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: Multiple recipients of list VPAC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: VPAC-INFO: Job seekers website for students and alumni
>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>Please circulate, this job seekers web site should be of interest to
>>recent graduates and students:
>>"A small group of faculty members at the universities of Alberta,
>>British Columbia and Western Ontario, including myself, designed and
>>paid the initial development costs for a web-based electronic hiring hall
>>system for  the post secondary labour market in Canada. Our students are
>>struggling harder to find job openings now than earlier in my career. When
>>the economy goes down in one part of the country but there are still jobs
>>in other parts, it is hard for our students and alumni to find out about
>>and set up interviews in other parts of the country. For the most part,
>>our university and college career placement offices will only help
>>students and alumni for the institution each is affiliated with.
>>Increasingly, when our students and alumni form families, both
>>partners work. One partner will get a good job offer somewhere else in the
>>country, and the other will call a former professor asking how they
>>might go about searching for a job in the new location. Again, our campus
>>placement offices are not ideally set up to be of help for that sort of
>>search. They have been strapped for resources, and are burdened just
>>helping the current students.
>>The CareerOwl web system we have built (www.careerowl.ca) allows
>>students and alumni to stay connected and be easily reached by employers
>>anywhere they are, even in periods when they are changing their phone
>>numbers and e-mail providers because of moving. It is free for the job
>>seekers.Employers can also list for free right now. In the longer run,
>>employers will pay very modest posting fees. If we can achieve high
>>usage, fees can be low because the system is run on a nonprofit basis and
>>the initial system is being donated by faculty members who feel this is
>>important. If the system is free for the job candidates and truly low
>>cost for employers,all of our campus career placement offices can use
>>CareerOwl as an add-on to their current services, at no extra cost to
>>them. They can do this without any contract or negotiations. This is a
>>nonexclusive service. Faculty and Department offices and student and
>>alumni clubs can do the same.We have done what we can to make this
>>possible. It is up to you and others now. We must get students and alumni
>>registered on the system -- anyone with some post secondary education
>>working or who wants to work in Canada.Please encourage your students to
>>register. Please register yourselves and eligible family members. A person
>>should register as a candidate if potentially interested in using the
>>system to seek employment, including part-time, summer, co-op or intern,
>>and consulting opportunities as well as career positions. A person should
>>register as an employer if potentially interested in using the system to
>>find a person for any sort of work including things faculty members often
>>hire students for such as grading,research assistance, contract computer
>>programming, and home services such as house sitting, yard work and
>>child care -- all the sorts of jobs that help students pay their way
>>through school.
>>Once we have suitable numbers of job candidates enrolled, we will be
>>going to major employers to urge them to put their jobs on this
>>system. We need your active help to get through this start-up phase and
>>achieve those suitable numbers. I am attaching some information that may
>>be useful to you in this effort. Please help us.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Alice Nakamura
>>> Winspear Professor of Business
>>> University of  Alberta"


Tom Walker
#408 1035 Pacific St.
Vancouver, B.C.
V6E 4G7
(604) 669-3286 
The TimeWork Web: http://www.vcn.bc.ca/timework/

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