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Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:31:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Weissman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list STOP-IMF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Le Monde Diplomatique: Will the world catch Asian flu?

>                                LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE - August-September 1998
>                         Will the world catch Asian flu?
>   Three weeks ago analysts were still proclaiming that, since Russia only
>   represents 1% of world trade, it could only affect the global economic
>   situation marginally. This approach discounted the extreme vulnerability of
>   the financial markets and the "unrealistic level" of share prices that Alan
>   Greenspan, chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank, warned of in July. It
>   also discounted the extent to which politics and economics are intermeshed.
>   The collapse of the Russian financial system has battered stock exchanges
>   around the world and brought the global economy closer to recession. Yet the
>   EU's political leaders still claim that the crisis will not affect Europe...
>      Only a little over a year ago, the unannounced but unavoidable
>      devaluation of Thailand and Indonesia's currencies opened the
>      floodgates of a full-blown economic and financial crisis. By
>      January 1998, one of the three poles of the global economy had been
>      severely battered, after serving for ten years as a showcase for
>      the new "liberalised" and "deregulated" model of capitalist economy
>      and also, more importantly, as an escape route for the excess
>      capital of the OECD member countries. However hard the
>      free-marketeers have tried to deny it, from the collapse of Korea
>      onwards, it was no longer an "Asian crisis" but rather the first
>      episode of a process leading towards world financial crisis and
>      global depression (1).
>      In Asia, the crisis has already led to the closure of hundreds of
>      factories. But more significantly, it has also led to the collapse
>      of the social bases and institutional mechanisms of economic
>      activity. In Indonesia and Thailand, tens of millions of people are
>      once more suffering from extreme poverty. A strong social backlash
>      is making itself felt in Korea, and even Japan (2), now that Asia
>      is in the process of passing from recession to depression.
>      The term recession can legitimately be used when the economic and
>      social fabric affecting basic demand in a given country remain
>      intact. In such cases, cyclical recovery can, in the medium term,
>      be achieved by a revival in private consumption and investment or
>      state-run economic recovery programmes. Recession turns to
>      depression when falls in the level of production and trade becomes
>      cumulative, to the point where the social foundations of economic
>      activity are themselves affected. At this stage, it becomes
>      impossible to foresee a reversal of the downward movement: classic
>      recovery measures becomes difficult or even useless. Depression is
>      associated with a collapse of the principal institutional
>      foundations, not only of the accumulation of capital, but also of
>      elementary economic activity per se. This is the situation
>      currently prevailing in many countries in Asia, which means the
>      region as a whole is now under threat.
>      The sharp contraction in banking and the drop in public spending
>      which immediately followed the collapse of markets and financial
>      systems resulting from the devaluation of the Thai baht and the
>      Indonesian rupiah, and the subsequent devaluation of other
>      currencies in the region, at first sight suggest similarities with
>      what happened after the devaluation of the Mexican peso at the
>      start of Mexico's crisis in the winter of 1994-95 (3).
>      But the crisis in Asia has had its own specificities: the
>      principally private character of foreign debt held by international
>      banks; the inability of Japan because of its own difficulties to
>      play the role of lender of last resort in regard to Thailand and
>      Indonesia, the countries most affected, as the United States did in
>      the case of Mexico; the onset of crisis in both South Korea and
>      Japan, which are major exporting industrial countries, but are also
>      the main customers for goods produced in their neighbouring
>      countries.
>      A key factor in the transition to depression is the tight
>      interdependence of countries whose economies have all been built on
>      the model of "export-led growth" (4) and thus need other countries
>      as outlets. In 1997 more than 50% of the trade of Thailand,
>      Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, but also of China, was
>      intra-regional and about half of that was with Japan. The
>      percentage is a bit lower in the case of South Korea, but Korea's
>      exports are of a qualitatively higher level. The productive
>      capacities of the Korean conglomerates (chaebol) were created in
>      the expectation of regional growth continuing at the same rate as
>      at the start of the decade.
>      The simultaneous onset of the falling currencies and the stunting
>      of markets in these countries effectively killed off any classic
>      recovery that might have derived from the devaluations, thus
>      opening the way for deflation. During the first six months of 1998,
>      Thailand increased its exports by 25% in volume terms but actually
>      earned less, due to the collapsing prices of the goods sold. At the
>      same time, its imports shrank by an equivalent amount. The whole
>      region has been affected by a deflationary logic, with "mechanical"
>      repercussions that have come on top of deliberate strategies of
>      price competition.
>      In economies where there are large inequalities in income, the
>      collapse of external markets cannot be compensated for by
>      increasing domestic consumption. In fact, the reverse is true. The
>      shrinking of overseas trade outlets will contribute to an
>      accelerated contraction of domestic demand, with industrial profits
>      and the meagre incomes deriving from waged work disappearing as the
>      level of exports shrinks.
>      Ideological myopia
>      In elevating the economy to the level of an independent sphere with
>      the supposed function of governing the whole of society,
>      neoliberalism has attempted to abstract it from its political and
>      social underpinnings. It has chosen to see market relations as
>      "natural" and, once they were apparently in place in a given
>      country or region, it has reckoned them to be self-perpetuating.
>      This form of blindness, characteristic of totalitarian ways of
>      thinking, consciously or unconsciously, explains how it was
>      possible for the "experts" of the World Bank at the start of 1997
>      to place Indonesia - then under the declining rule of President
>      Suharto - in pride of place as a country where development had been
>      particularly successful.
>      The IMF had displayed the same blindness in its determination to
>      impose on countries that called for help the adoption of the kind
>      of harsh macro-economic policies which accentuate recessionary
>      effects and lead into depression. Observers have accused it of
>      exacerbating the movement towards recession: this is true but it is
>      a superficial view - which is perhaps why it was taken up by
>      leading neoliberals such as Jeffrey Sachs (5). The behaviour of the
>      IMF in Asia has been indicative of a vision of the world which is
>      shared by all those who have sought to set up a benign dictatorship
>      of capital away from the public gaze... A typical devotee has been
>      Renato Ruggiero, director-general of the World Trade Organisation,
>      who describes the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) as
>      "writing the constitution for a single global economy (6)".
>      Student revolts and popular rioting of a variety strong enough to
>      bring down the Suharto dictatorship were obviously not part of the
>      IMF's parameters, any more than the daily spread of social chaos in
>      Indonesia.
>      Full-blown depression is not going to be limited to Asia. Now the
>      Russians are experiencing the misery that comes with the collapse
>      of the basic foundations of economic activity; and they will soon
>      be followed by the peoples of the Ukraine and the other ex-Soviet
>      republics. Nor will the process stop: the Latin American countries
>      will be the next victims of rentier and mafia-dominated global
>      capitalism.
>      Three parallel tracks
>      As in the 1930s, financial crisis and global recession are now
>      progressing simultaneously along three parallel, interdependent
>      tracks. The first is the contraction in production, demand and
>      trade, and the fall in prices. This is what deflation is about -
>      and it is not the opposite of inflation. Unlike inflation, there
>      are no known and easy remedies, because the fall in prices is a
>      result of increased competition in a context of over-production,
>      excess stocks and productive capacity, as well as a reversal in
>      business expectations. Deflation affects raw materials first and
>      hardest. But it spreads through manufacturing like a disease.
>      This process has now been at work for over a year. The sum of Asian
>      intra and extra regional trade amounts to a third of world trade.
>      This in itself was enough to discredit the idea of a purely "Asian"
>      crisis. In the 1980s steps were taken by the major capitalist
>      powers to bring OPEC to its knees and reverse the price of oil.
>      Liberalisation and deregulation of the oil market are at the origin
>      of the current collapse of prices and the resulting shock - which
>      will prove to have far more destructive effects than in 1973 and
>      1978. In the case of Venezuela, Mexico and also Russia, this is one
>      dimension of their financial crisis.
>      The second track is through the astronomical increase in bad debt,
>      both private and public, held by the banking system. When combined
>      with political graft, the brutal spread of insolvency can bring the
>      credit system to a halt, as in Indonesia and now in Russia. But the
>      share of foreign banks in insolvent debt means that the process
>      rapidly becomes global. It begins by losses by major
>      internationally-exposed banks and the announcement of profit falls
>      that impact on increasingly vulnerable stock markets. But bad debt
>      can also lead to the weakening of the capacity of banks to provide
>      credit to their own firms. "Credit crunch", as economists call it,
>      is now a central feature of the Japanese recession, but other
>      countries are not immune.
>      The third track is the one where the timing of events is hardest to
>      predict, but where the effects are the most radical. It pertains to
>      the very close interconnection between major stock markets and the
>      real time transmission from one stock exchange to the others of
>      gregarious market behaviour by increasingly nervous financial
>      investors. As a result of the hierarchical nature of the world of
>      finance, the decisive key to the world stock market contagion is to
>      be found in New York and Chicago. The state of Wall Street is
>      obviously largely a function of the state of the US economy, which
>      plays a central role in determining both the profitability of the
>      firms whose shares are being exchanged and the mood of investors.
>      But profitability also depends on the state of the world economy
>      and, as it deteriorates, investors become increasingly sensitive to
>      political events far removed from Wall Street. This was clearly
>      shown in the free fall which shook the markets on 4 August, with a
>      fall of 299 points - 3.4% - in a single day following
>      disappointment with the new Japanese government's economic
>      programme; and again in the fall that shook the markets on
>      successive days in late August after the devaluation of the rouble
>      and the political turmoil in Russia.
>      An end to euphoria
>      Over most of the year, while Asia was moving into depression,
>      financial markets in the Western world were booming. One of the
>      reasons for the buoyancy has been a "subjective" element on which
>      all observers agreed, even though they disagreed over its depth -
>      namely the euphoria associated with the worldwide "bull" market in
>      shares, of which Wall Street is both the front-runner and the
>      pivot. In the months that followed the Thai devaluation, the World
>      Bank estimates that around $110 billion drained out of the four
>      countries most affected by the crisis. The combination of falls in
>      interest rates and surging rises on the stock markets was directly
>      linked to this massive influx of liquid assets seeking refuge in
>      the major financial institutions of the West and adding to the
>      euphoria among the "new investors" of the upper middle classes.
>      This phase is now over for two major reasons, first, the end of the
>      economic boom and the reversal of the business cycle in the United
>      States (7) and second, the fact that politics and economics are
>      closely interwoven. The dykes of the neoliberal capitalist order
>      are beginning to collapse one after another and, each time one goes
>      down, the remainder are under even greater pressure. This is clear
>      for Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, not to speak of Hong Kong and
>      China...
>        ______________________________________________________________
>      * Professor at the University of Paris-XIII-Villetaneuse; author of
>      La Mondialisation du capital, new edition, revised and enlarged,
>      Syros, Paris, 1997.
>                                                   Translated by Ed Emery
>      (1) See François Chesnais, "La face financière d'une crise de
>      surproduction", Le Monde diplomatique, February 1998, and Diana
>      Hochraich, "Crise financière et compétivité dans les pays d'Asie:
>      au delà de la crise boursière", Les Etudes de CERI, no. 42,
>      Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris, June 1998.
>      (2) See "Asia: Social Backlash", Business Week, 17 August 1998 and,
>      particularly, the report on the real levels, and social effects, of
>      unemployment in Japan.
>      (3) See Francis Pisani, "La fin des illusions pour le modèle
>      mexicain"; François Chesnais, "Défense et illustration de la
>      dictature des marchés"; and Ignacy Sachs, "Quelques leçons de la
>      crise mexicaine", Le Monde diplomatique, respectively February
>      1995, March 1995 and April 1995.
>      (4) See Gabriel Kolko, "Mais exportez, donc! dit le FMI", Le Monde
>      diplomatique, May 1998.
>      (5) Jeffrey Sachs, "High Time to Rein in the IMF", International
>      Herald Tribune, Paris, 3 May 1998.
>      (6) On the Multilateral Agreement on Investment see Le Monde
>      diplomatique, February and March 1998.
>      (7) Business Week, 17 August 1998, uses the term "paper wealth" to
>      describe a significant portion of the wealth enjoyed by rich and
>      middle-class American families and to analyse the foreseeable
>      effect of stock market losses on private consumption and
>      subsequently on investment.
>    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1998 Le Monde diplomatique
> <http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/inside/1998/09/13chesnais.html>

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