
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 1998 21:47:02 -0400

I recently received some information from a union that is attempting to
negotiate the following letter of agreements with their employer groups.(I
am not sure if this is public information so I will not name them at this
point)  I am hoping that other unions and employer groups will also work to
do the same, especially public sector unions, teachers, social justice
groups, and social sector groups, etc.

Draft Language

Letter of Agreement



Whereas participants under the Ontario Works Act who are the subject of
employment assistance are the be deprived of the protection of the Labour
Relations Act, the Employer and the Union hereby agree as follows:

i. The employer will not hire, engage or otherwise assign work or duties
either directly or indirectly to any person who receives employment
assistance under the Ontario Works Act unless such person is hired in
accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement and such
individual is entitled to all rights, benefits and privileges under the
collective agreement.

ii.  This letter shall be appended to and form part of the collective

Dated at _________ (city), this _____ Day of  ___________, 199_

For the Employer _____________

For the Union____________

For more information about workfare in Ontario visit the Workfare Watch
Project Website at:


Thank all,

Sherrie Tingley
Barrie Action Committee for Women

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