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From:          "janice" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject:       Asia: IMF Should Rethink Policy
Date:          Mon, 24 Aug 1998 13:34:35 +1200

Asia: IMF Should Rethink Policy

By Martin Khor

June 29, 1998

Penang -- As the East Asian crisis continues to deepen, the debate on the
role of the International Monetary Fund's contractionary policies has
heated up. There are also increasing calls to the IMF and Western countries
to allow the affected Asian countries to reflate their economies. The IMF's
top officials have continued to defend their macroeconomic approach of
squeezing the domestic economies of their client countries through high
interest rates, tight monetary policies and cuts in the government budget.

Their argument is that this "pain" is needed to restore foreign investors'
confidence, and so strengthen the countries' currencies. However, some
economists had already warned at the start of the IMF "treatment" for
Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea that this set of policies is misplaced
as it would transform a financial problem that could be resolved through
debt restructuring, into a full- blown economic crisis.

That prediction has come true, with a vengeance. The three countries under
the IMF's direct tutelage (Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea) have slided
into deep recession. Partly due to spillover effects, other countries such
as Malaysia and Hongkong have also suffered negative growth in the year's
first quarter.
Even Singapore is tottering on the brink of minus growth. As the economic
crisis worsens, some political leaders, researchers and activists in the
region are increasingly questioning the IMF policies.

Prominent among the critics has been Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir
Mohamad who has blamed the IMF's policy of high interest rates, credit
squeeze and tighter definition of non-performing bank loans for worsening
the recessionary conditions. Although, unlike the other three countries,
Malaysia has not sought an IMF rescue package, and thus is not obliged to
follow the Fund's policies, the IMF staff have been giving advice, along
the same orthodox lines, to the country's finance and central bank
"Initially we though the IMF's strategies were very good, so we adopted
them, only to find they damaged our economy. To go back would be
difficult," Dr Mahathir said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur last
week. "We are trying to figure out how to manage the economy after the
damage has been done through the shortening of the period of non-
performing loans, credit squeeze and raising interest rates. They have
damaged a lot of companies."

For the Asian countries afflicted with sharp currency depreciations and
share market declines, the first set of problems involved the much heavier
debt servicing burden of local banks and companies that had taken loans in
foreign currencies, the fall in the value of shares pledged as collateral
for their loans, the resulting weakening of the financial position of
banks, and inflation caused by rising import prices.

But then came a second set of problems resulting from the high interest
rates and tight monetary and fiscal policies that the IMF imposed or
advised. For companies already hit by the declines in the currency and
share values, the interest rate hike became a third burden that broke their
backs. But even worse, there are many thousands of firms (most of them
small and medium sized) that have now been affected in each country.
Their owners and managers did not make the mistake of borrowing from abroad
(nor did they have the clout to do so). The great majority of them are also
not listed on the stock market. So they cannot be blamed for having
contributed to the crisis by imprudent foreign loans or having
over-borrowed on the basis of inflated share values.

Yet these many thousands of local companies are now hit by the sharp rise
in interest rates, a liquidity squeeze as financial institutions are
tight-fisted with (or even halt) new loans, and the slowdown in orders as
the public sector cuts its spending. In Thailand, "domestic interest rates
as high as 18% have been blamed for starving local businesses of cash and
strangling economic growth," according to a Reuter report of 3 June. In
South Korea, thousands of small and medium companies have gone bankrupt as
a result of high interest rates. Although the country has about US$150
billion in foreign debts, its companies in January also had double that (or
more than US$300 billion) in domestic debt.

According to the Wall Street Journal (9 Feb), the Korean economy was facing
fresh agony over this huge domestic debt as thousands of companies file for
bankruptcy as they find it harder to get credit. "The blame for the tighter
liquidity are higher interest rates, a legacy of the IMF bailout that saved
Korea's economy from collapse, and a sharp economic slowdown."

In Indonesia, whilst top corporations with foreign currency loans have been
hit hardest by the 80 percent drop of the rupiah vis-a- vis the US dollar,
the majority of local companies have been devastated by interest rates of
up to 50 percent. The rates were raised as part of an IMF agreement and
were aimed at strengthening the rupiah. However the rupiah has not improved
from its extremely low levels, whilst many indebted companies are unable to
service their loans.

In Malaysia, interest rates are lower than in the three IMF client
countries. Nevertheless they have also been going up. According to Central
Bank data, the average bank lending rate rose from 10.4 percent in May 1997
to 11.5 percent in December 1997 and 13.3 percent in March 1998. Currently,
many customers are charged 15 percent, and some even higher. On interest
rate policy, countries subjected to currency speculation face a serious
dilemma. They have been told by the IMF that lowering the interest rate
might cause the "market" to lose confidence and savers to lose incentive,
and thus the country risks capital flight and currency depreciation.

However, to maintain high interest rates or increase them further will
cause companies to go bankrupt, increase the non-performing loans of banks,
weaken the banking system, and dampen consumer demand. These, together with
the reduction in government spending, will plunge the economy into deeper
and deeper recession. And that in turn will anyway cause erosion of
confidence in the currency and thus increase the risk of capital flight and
depreciation. A higher interest rate regime, in other words, may not boost
the currency's level but could depress it further if it induces a deep and
lengthy recession.

It is also pertinent to note that a country with a lower interest rate need
not necessarily suffer a sharper drop in currency level. Take the case of
China. Since May 1996, it has cut its interest rates four times and its
one-year bank fixed deposit rate was 5.2% in May (according to a Reuters
report). But its currency, which is not freely traded due to strict
controls by the government, has not depreciated.

It has also been pointed out by Yilmaz Akyuz, UNCTAD's chief
macroeconomist, in a paper on the Asian crisis, that "although Indonesia
and Thailand have kept their interest rates higher than Malaysia, they have
experienced greater difficulties in their currency and stock markets."
According to Akyuz, there is not a strong case for a drastic reduction in
domestic growth (as advocated by the IMF) to bring about the adjustment
needed in external payments. Instead of the orthodox IMF policies, Akyuz
provides the example of a different set of policies that the United States
had successfully adopted when it also faced conditions of debt deflation in
recent years.

In reaction to the weakness in the financial system and the economy, the
Fed started to reduce short-term interest rates in the early 1990s, almost
to negative levels in real terms, thus providing relief not only for banks,
but also for firms and households, which were able to ride the yield curve
and refinance debt at substantially lower interest servicing costs. This
eventually produced a boom in the securities market, thereby lowering
long-term interest rates, and helping to restore balance-sheet positions,
producing a strong recovery at the end of 1993. Recounting the above
episode, Akyuz concludes: "Clearly, the US economy is unlikely to have
enjoyed one of the longest post-war recoveries if the kind of policies
advocated in East Asia had been pursued in the early 1990s in response to
debt deflation."

Another interesting contrast is that between the IMF's contractionary
policies prescribed for its East Asian clients, and the strong criticisms
of Japan from Western leaders for not doing more to reflate its ailing
economy. They are calling for more effective tax cuts so that Japanese
consumers can spend more and thus kick the economy into recovery.

The yen has been sharply dropping, causing grave concerns that this will
trigger a deeper Asian crisis or world recession. These concerns led the US
to intervene in the foreign exchange market to stop the yen's further
decline. Yet neither the IMF nor the Western leaders have asked Japan to
increase its interest rate (which at 0.5% must be the lowest in the world)
to defend the yen. Instead they want Japan to take fiscal measures to
expand the economy.
This tolerance of low interest rates in Japan as well as the pressure on
the Japanese government to pump up the economy is a very different approach
than the high-interest austerity-budget medicine prescribed for the other
East Asian countries.

Could it be that this display of double standards is because it is in the
rich countries' interests to prevent a Japanese slump that could spread to
their shores, and so they insist that Japan reflate its economy whilst
keeping its interest rate at rock bottom? Whereas in the case of the other
East Asian countries, which owe a great deal to the Western banks, the
recovery and repayment of their foreign loans is the paramount
consideration? In the latter case, a squeeze in the domestic economy would
reduce imports, improve the trade balance and result in a strong foreign
exchange surplus, which can then be channelled to repay the international
banks. This is in fact what is happening. As recession hits their domestic
economies, Thailand, South Korea, Indonesia and Malaysia have seen a sharp
contraction in imports, resulting in large trade surpluses.

Unfortunately, this is being paid for through huge losses in domestic
output and national income, the decimation of many of the large, medium and
small firms of these countries, a dramatic increase in unemployment and
poverty, and social dislocation or upheaval. A price that is extremely
high, and which in the opinion of many economists (including some top
establishment economists) is also unnecessary for the people of these
countries to pay.

They argue that instead of being forced to raise interest rates and cut
government expenditure, the countries should have been advised by the IMF
to reflate their economies through increased public spending and interest
rates that are lower than the present levels. Last week the Financial Times
carried a strongly worded opinion article entitled "Asian water torture"
with this sub- heading: "Unless the IMF allows the region's economies to
reflate and lower interest rates, it will condemn them to a never-ending
spiral of recession and bankruptcy."

Written by Robert Wade, professor of political economy in Brown University
(US), the article blames the IMF for failing to grasp the implications of
imposing high interest charges on Asian companies that are typically far
more indebted than western and Latin American companies.
"High rates push them much more quickly from illiquidity towards
insolvency, forcing them to cut back purchases, sell inventories, delay
debt repayment and fire workers. Banks then accumulate a rising proportion
of bad loans and refuse to make new ones. The IMF's insistence that banks
meet strict Basle capital adequacy standards only compounds the collapse of
credit. "The combination of high interest rates and Basle standards is the
immediate cause of the wave of insolvency, unemployment and contraction
that continues to ricochet around the region and beyond. The uncertainty,
instability and risk of further devaluations keep capital from returning
despite high real interest rates." Wade finds the IMF's contractionary
approach "puzzling" as the United States authorities after the 1987 stock
market crash had acted to keep markets highly liquid whatever the cost, yet
in Asia the Fund acted to contract liquidity. "Is this because it knows
only one recipe? Or because it is more interested in safeguarding the
interests of foreign bank creditors than in avoiding collapse in Asia?"

Concluding that the IMF's approach is not working, Wade calls on
governments in the region to change tack away from the current approach of
very low inflation, restrained demand and high real interest rates as the
top priorities. "They need to take a tougher stance in the rescheduling
negotiations with the creditor banks, lower interest rates to near zero,
and step on the monetary gas," he says. He also proposed that governments
reintroduce some form of cross-border capital controls. They should then
channel credit into export industries, generate an export boom, and let the
ensuing profits reinforce inflationary expectations and reflate domestic
demand. The west, meanwhile, should stop pushing developing countries to
allow free inflow and outflow of short-term finance as they are simply not
robust enough to be exposed to the shocks that unimpeded flows can bring.

There should also be reconsideration of the constitution of money funds
(whose priorities are short-term results) and over- guaranteed
international banks, which lie at the heart of the problem of destabilising
international financial flows. "Until Asian governments lower interest
rates, take control of short-term capital movements, and cooperate within
the region, the crisis will go on and on like water torture. That will
bring poverty and insecurity to hundreds of millions and turn parts of Asia
into a dependency of the IMF and the US, its number one shareholder."

(Martin Khor is the Director of Third World Network.)

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Third World Network
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