FYI - My response to a fund-raising letter from the DCCC.

-- Charlie Reid  
Executive Producer, Community Prespectives                 
"Salus populi suprema est lex" (Cicero)
The welfare of the people is the highest law.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
430 South Capitol Street, S.E. 
Washington, D.C. 20003


As your records may show, I have been a consistent contributor to the 
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, increasingly so since the 
Republican took the Congress in 1994.

Yet I am saddened by the direction of the Democratic Party. (You may 
recall that the California State Party rejected Campaign Finance Reform. 
At a bad luncheon, the party chaiman joked about it as he explained the 
high price of a bad meal. That's when I ceased contributing to the state 

Now there is another serious issue at hand: Fast-Track authority for the 
MAI Treaty.

If Democrats in Congress vote with Republicans to give the President 
fast-track authority and/or should the President sign such a treaty, I 
shall seriously consider abandoning my lifetime allegiance to the 
Democratic Party and ending all future support. Whatever good the 
President may have done, this will negate it all, because it will bring 
the nation closer to transitioning to a component in a system of global 
Corporate Feudalism, where all politics and economics will be controlled 
by the equivalent of market fiefdoms, over which local citizens and 
communities shall have no democratic power or control. This will be 
disastrous for our nation in the coming millennium. History will record 
President Clinton and conservative administrations as Corporate 
Feudalism's prime mover, and the world's decline toward global 
barbarism, where predatory holders of mass wealth rule, and rule not by 
rational law, or any sense of social justice.

I, therefore, consider it to be in my interest, and in our nation's 
interest, to withhold all contributions to Democratic Party organizations 
anywhere until this issue becomes clarified.

Charles J. Reid
Executive Producer
Community Perspectives,
A Program on Community Television of Santa Cruz County

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