>Ed Weick wrote:
>I would suggest you take it easy on economists and the rest of us.  We are
>neither meat nor computers, though we are a little of both in addition to
>many other things.  And most of us are trying to muddle through without too
>much lying, cheating, exploitation and self-deception.

And Thomas Lunde responded:

>Well Ed, I appreciate your disclaimer and I can understand that at the
>human level most of you are nice guys, well educated, good manners, decent
>grooming, love your wife and children, probably some of you even do
>volunteer work, pay your bills on time, belong to a church, don't fall
>victim to road rage, have extended medical coverage for your loved ones,
>work diligently to take advantage of all your tax deductions and maximize
>your investment opportunities.  In fact, I believe you are living the life
>many of us poorer folks would like to live so in fact your are providing a
>role model for the great unwashed to aspire too.
>I also believe that when many of you go to work, whether in education or
>government or in private industry and just as assiduously produce studies
>and papers, give advice, make rules and regulations that protect you and
>yours at the expense of me and mine.  Now this may not be a fair assessment
>and of course we poor must be fair or we are considered unseemly and

Me (shaking my head in bewilderment at how someone who has never met me
could understand me so well): "Yea Gods!  I've just realized that if I did
not exist I would have to be invented!"

>I believe that you advise governments and business on ways to
>enrich the rich and deprive the poor.  That most of you hate unions and
>love the "free market".  

I did not especially enjoy being a member of the International Woodworkers
of America, one of several unions I've belonged to.  I found it a bit
hypocritical to hear guys who hated each other's guts call each other
"brothers" at meetings.

>And I can appreciate the dilemma which includes
>your disclaimer that most you are just trying to muddle through etc.  And I
>know the penalties of telling the truth, being honest, refusing to allow
>exploitation and the satisfaction of a little self deception.

Me: Yes, yes - you have me here!  There is nothing I love more than a little
exploitation!  However, even when I exploit, I muddle.  So I'm not really
very good at it.

>Now, obviously I am an idealist.  And let's face it, from the bottom of the
>heap, it's easy to attack you guys in the middle and on the top.  One thing
>I sincerely appreciate is that some of you do belong to open lists such as
>this one and you do expose yourself to the rantings and reason of people of
>different viewpoints.  We don't hold any high ground on "rightness" but
>then we don't have any power to try it our way either.  So, in the best
>interests of dialog, let us keep talking and writing and perhaps those who
>read both our viewpoints may find a middle ground between the dysfunctional
>status quo and the idealistic hopes of the others.

Well, I'm glad I have some purpose on this list.  Perhaps in the course of
time I may even be able to dull some of your idealism.


Ed Weick

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