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Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 14:50:10 GMT
From: Schumacher College <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Buddhist Economics at Schumacher College

A.T. ARIYARATNE and SULAK SIVARAKSA will be teaching at Schumacher College,
an international centre for ecological studies based in England.

Entitled BUDDHIST ECONOMICS, the course is three weeks long and fully
residential. Participants will have the opportunity to study Buddhist
Economics in depth with these renowned teachers, as well as enjoy informal
interaction with students from all over the world in the welcoming community
setting of Schumacher College.

Course dates: JANUARY 11-31, 1998
Course fee: 1,200 pounds sterling, which includes tuition, residential
accommodation, food and field trips. If you cannot afford the full fee,
please ask for details of our bursary policy. 

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Buddhist teachings have profound insights to offer into
the psychology of desire and the motivating forces of economics activity.
These insights can dissolve the confusion between what is truly harmful and
what is beneficial in production and consumption, creating the foundation
for a mature ethics. The teachers on this course build on many years of
practical experience in rural development in their own Buddhist cultures to
outline sustainable values and strategies for enlightened social change. 

ABOUT THE TEACHERS: Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne is President of the Sarvodaya
Shramadana Movement which he founded in 1958 to promote human development
and co-operative activity in Sri Lanka's villages.  In 1996 he was awarded
the Mahatma Gandhi Peace Prize.

Sulak Sivaraksa is a Thai Buddhist, social activist, and founder of many
initiatives, most recently the Spirit in Education Movement and
"Alternatives to Consumerism" network, which seek to combat consumerist
values and promote spiritually-based development.  He won the Right
Livelihood Award in 1995. 

GENERAL INFORMATION: The intellectual discussions of the course are embedded
at Schumacher College in physical work involving the whole College community
- course participants, staff, guests and volunteers. The everyday work of
taking care of the buildings and each other, in continual contact with
nature, promotes a level of reflection and understanding in which the whole
person - their values and life concerns as well as their thinking minds - is
involved. The natural development of a trusting spirit of community is
central to the purpose of Schumacher College.

There are opportunities for field trips to the sea coast or nearby Dartmoor,
craft work, walks, private study and tutorials.  Evenings offer a variety of
talks and informal meetings, possibly arising out of the day's work, or an
opportunity for participants to give presentations based on their own life
and work. 

For further details, please contact the administrator at Schumacher College
(address, fax and email details below).
Schumacher College is an international centre for ecological studies which
welcomes course participants from all over the world, from a wide range of
ages and backgrounds.

For further details of Schumacher College and its courses, please contact:
The Administrator
Schumacher College
The Old Postern
Devon TQ9 6EA
Tel: +44 (0)1803 865934
Fax: +44 (0)1803 866899
Web: http://www.gn.apc.org/schumachercollege/

Schumacher College is a department of The Dartington Hall Trust, a
registered educational charity.

Please note: all addresses on our mailing list are treated as confidential.
We undertake not to sell or rent our mailing list to any other organisation. 

If you attend Schumacher College as a course participant, your contact
details may, with your consent, be made available to past and future
participants through our international alumni network. You will also receive
regular newsletters updating you on the activities and projects of past

If at any time you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please let us know.

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