Tom - Thanks for the question. I meant to leave the definition of basic
economic security a bit open, but perhaps it would be helpful to all to
suggest that it might consist of secure access to the necessities of life
(realizing that what are 'necessities' can be forever--not very
usefully--debated) and to whatever additional resources are required for
individuals and families to participate fully in their communities (e.g.
kids can afford to join organized sports.)  FWers - please feel free to
send responses to the list as well as (or instead of) to me.   Sally

Tom wrote:

>Sally, can you elaborate more on what you want. The developed or
>industrialized nations are doing a pretty good job already- at the
>expense of the have not, of course. what is your idea of economic
>security? one suv and a minivan in each suburban ranch h;ome with cable
>and an internet connection? or are we talking a guaranteed 2500
>kcalories/day and a full medical/dental plan?
>tom abeles
>S. Lerner wrote:
>> FWers - If we think it's important to ensure basic economic security for
>> all citizens of the industrialized 'have' nations, what suggestions do you
>> have as to how this should be accomplished?
>> Sally Lerner

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