(Anent the Chomsky article posted by Hendrik on listsource and
forwarded by me to futurework)

I don't know if its because I'm jaded or what, but almost everything
Chomsky says has for me the ring of truth. And you sure don't hear any
of it in the regular media. As I see it, there are only 2 possibilities:

1. Chomsky is a wingnut who has no more right to be heard than the
soap-box orators who, obviously under the influence of drugs or more
often defective mental wiring,  ride innumerable strange hobbyhorses ;

2. He presents a valid viewpoint which deserves to be heard, but which
is being ruthlessly suppressed by the mainstream media of "all" stripes.

Both my heart and my little grey cells tell me that most of what he
says is "true"-- that is to say that it represaents an accurate picture
of events from a point of view which I can easily adopt. The fact that
I have a much harder time adopting the the point of view from which
most mainstream news stories are projected tells me either that I share
a mass psychosis with other Chomskyites or that we are seeing something
the shapers of mainstream "news" can't or won't perceive. And I must
report that even some of my most socially conscious and active friends
find Chomsky too "gloomy". I showed a few a long video of an informal
Chomsky discourse I have, and they tended to swquirm in their seats
until thankfully it was over.

I just don't know. I fing him fascinating, and not really depressing.
To me the attitude that glosses over the ills of the world as if they
weren't there is far more depressing. Accurate diagnosis is the first
step towards effective healing. I only wonder if I am missing some
essential truth in the mainstram view.

Any thoughts?


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