>Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 17:17:35 -0500
>From: Island Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A companion web-site to the book, WHICH WORLD?: SCENARIOS FOR THE
>21ST CENTURY , has been launched by Dr. Allen Hammond at Which World Web.
>This site provides supplemental on-line materials to the book.
>In Which World?, Hammond examines the critical trends and identifies the
>factors that matter most in shaping the future. He presents scenarios that
>describe and analyze three different trajectories into the future:
>   * Market World
>          In which economic and human progress is driven by the liberating
>          power of free markets and human initiative;
>   * Fortress World
>          In which unattended social and environmental problems diminish
>          progress, dooming hundreds of millions of humans to lives of
>          rising conflict and violence;
>   * Transformed World
>          In which human ingenuity and compassion succeed in offering a
>          better life, not just a wealthier one, and in seeking to extend
>          those benefits to all of humanity.
>Which World Web stimulates the debate (initiated by Dr. Hammond's book) on
>some of the most important issues of our time. It offers a unique on-line
>resource for all those interested in sustaining the earth's legacy and
>raises questions
>about the future, such as:
>   * Are free market approaches sufficient to bring a better and more
>     properous future?
>   * Might poor countries be overwhelmed by growing populations,
>     deteriorating resources, and weak governments?
>   * Will the price of progress be a diminished Earth for future
>     generations?
>   * Or will fundamental social and political change transform our societies
>     and create a more peaceful, equitable, and environmentally-sound world?
>The site is organized into 3 main sections.
>   * Trends: Both global and regional
>          Information about a number of critical trends including
>          Demographic (population), Economic (income, economic growth),
>          Environmental (pollution, land/water scarcity), and Social and
>          Political (literacy, democracy). Trends are examined globally and
>          for each of 7 major continental-scale regions of the world. These
>          trends, projected out to the year 2050, suggest constraints on the
>          future.
>   * Scenarios and a Resource Library
>          This section contains short scenarios--structured stories--that
>          offer conflicting perspectives on how events in each of these
>          regions may unfold in coming decades.
>   * An Online Dialogue on the Future
>          The site will also be hosting an online dialogue about the future.
>          You can register by leaving your name and email on the main
>          Comment page. If you desire, you can use the comment tool to post
>          your comments now on what you find in this site or your answers to
>          the questions the site raises about the future. Dr. Hammond plans
>          to contact a group of people---those who have expressed an
>          interest in these topics through the comment tool--- to invite
>          them to participate in a facilitated discussion about long term
>          sustainability issues.
>The site also contains a library of links to related websites. Amogst these
>sites you will find sources of environmental and economic data, educational
>resources, and more.
The URL is  http://mars3.gps.caltech.edu/whichworld//

>Visit  Eco-Compass http://www.islandpress.org for an enhanced
>version of this feature.

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