I forwarded this post to "skeptic", here are  some

The Textbook League wrote:

> The APS definition:
> > Science is the systematic enterprise of gathering knowledge about the
> > world and organizing and condensing that knowledge into testable
> > laws and theories.
> >
> > The success and credibility of science is anchored in the willingness
> > of scientists to:
> >
> > 1) Expose their ideas and results to independent testing and
> > replication by other scientists. This requires the complete and open
> > exchange of data, procedures and materials.
> >
> > 2) Abandon or modify accepted conclusions when confronted with more
> > complete or reliable experimental evidence.
>         All that's needed is to eliminate the word "experimental"
> from the last line.  There are whole realms of science which rely
> chiefly or entirely on observing nature as we find it, and in which
> experimentation plays little or no role.  If the APS promotes the
> impression that all science relies on "experimental" evidence, the
> APS will reinforce one of the favorite pretensions of the creationists

Bill, I read the definition to mean "more complete evidence" or "more
reliable experimental evidence". I could be wrong. Perhaps you could email
them for a clarification. You raise a good point.

> .
> The creationists continually try to discredit such enterprises as
> cosmology, astronomy and paleontology by claiming that these are not
> scientific.  They aren't scientific, the creationists say, because all
> science must be based on laboratory experiments.  By the way,
> the creationists have succeeded in getting this view established in
> schoolbooks.  The next time you see a high-school biology book or
> a middle-school earth-science book, for example, please open it and
> read what it says about the nature of science and "the scientific
> method."
>         Bill Bennetta


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