I agree in general with Thomas' evaluations. Enforcing peace with the
threat of force seems a particularly perverse requirement, though. We
humans are alone in this particular dilemma, as ethics appears tied to
our form of self-reflective consciousness.


> Thomas:
> It would seem to me, that if we know what works and the above 7 points do
> not seem so drastic that we couldn't - through the UN decide that each
> country must re-align their political systems, create the structures
> mentioned above and solve the biggest problem facing mankind
> -overpopulation.  Given the alternatives, wars, starvation, misuse of
> resources, the above changes seem quite benign.

> Thomas:
> I know it has been postulated before, but I think it is time, perhaps
> evolutionary to make a conscious decision to outlaw war.  If that requires a
> world police force, so be it.  Law and order, good government, good use of
> unsustainable resources and deliberate use of sustainable resources only
> make common sense.  Forget the economies of the marketplace in which we use
> a half a gallon of gas to go the the convience store to pick up a pack of
> cigerattes, it's time to bring in a higher level criteria other than just we
> can do it and keep the price down.

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