Dear Friends, all,

I snip then comment
>From: Bob Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Cure for the cancer of capitalism (Korten)
>Date: Mon, Oct 4, 1999, 11:27 pm

> Over the nearly 600 years since the onset of the Commercial Revolution,
> we have as a species learned a great deal about the making of money and
> we have created powerful institutions and technologies dedicated to its
> accumulation.
> But in our quest for money, we forgot how to live.


David Korten's contributions are excellent, and we can help his analysis

It is not clear that each generation opts to go on a "quest for money."

Rather, each finds itself born into an economic system bequeathed by its
parents (and one which they, largely also, had 'laid upon them.')

I see capitalism as a systems fault.

The fault is, firstly, philosophical:

    € the belief that anything (Marx' 'means of production - land, money,
knowledge found in productive facilities) *can* be owned.

    [ This is, palpably, is non-sense.]

Secondly, that those owned resources can be:

    € used for personal benefit (sic)

    [ Rather than for the commonweal (and within a care-full stewardship of
the planet.) ]

These thoughts, historically, have developed into the  challenge to usury, a
debate which has been effectively stifled in very recent times.

    € Thus many (most) books don't (yet?) include 'The U-Word' in their

So, I invite folk to check books (even dictionaries and encyclopeadias) for
the u-word, and even notice the amount of weasling that goes on, in many
that do have it, around the true meaning of this word.

Dance onward, friends!




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