Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:11:52 +0100 Chris wrote to Ed G below

Great point.  The most blatant example of this "do unto others what you
don't want others to do unto you" philosophy is Bill Gates, who copied
his software "innovations" together from everywhere (*) but who is now
known as the "greatest persecutor" of software "pirates"...

A further point, Did you know that Bill Gates "stole" some of the basic
(oops) elements of the operating system that he coulsd not buy through an
interesting process called "reverse engineering"
Apparently it involves a person taking a process or system you want to
"steal" and have them dis-assemble it into it smallest digital components.
Another person then thals the elemetal components and assembes them,
thereby being able to say that the original was not copied. Neat!?

Ed G

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Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:11:52 +0100
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christoph Reuss)
Subject: Re: Knowledge - The New Frontier (Copyight & Patent)

On Wed, 01 Dec 1999, Ed Goertzen wrote:
> I don't know how many readers participated in the birth of the computer
> era, but some may recall the part played by the old Vic 20 and the Commodor
> 64 with it's 1540 disk drive. Many a current geelk executive got their
> start in computers because the software was so readily copiable. Yes, I
> mean piracy. Those who now most passionately insist on copyright and
> patents are the very ones who cut their eye teeth on illegally copied
> software.

Great point.  The most blatant example of this "do unto others what you
don't want others to do unto you" philosophy is Bill Gates, who copied
his software "innovations" together from everywhere (*) but who is now
known as the "greatest persecutor" of software "pirates"...


(*) for a detailed list of his "copy crimes", see
    and further links from there.

Peace and goodwill

Ed Goertzen,
Oshawa, ON, CA
L1G 2S2,
        Timocracy: A form of governance known in ancient Greece that means
"government by the worthy". While at that time 'worthy' meant property
owning, there is no reason not to define it as "those who want to
participate in the none partisan formation of, and administration of public
affairs in addition to electing represenatives." To be followed by firm
advice to their elected representatives and reporting back to electors. 
        For further information contact Ed Goertzen at >>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<<

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