
Thanks for the important bit of history.  The WTO will continue to rear
its ugly head but it appears that protesters can have an impact on

Bill Ward

> Edward Goertzen said:
> Just to add that the Bretton Woods Agreement (1944) was to assure 
> the IMF
> and World bank were government controlled. They were to replace the
> discredited BIS. The BIS was the international " bankers bank" that 
> handled
> the international trasactions of the Axis powers during the war as 
> though
> they were respectable nations. Much like the Swiss banks accepted 
> Nazi gold
> with out question as to the source. 
> To date the BIS is the paramount financial organization serving
> international bankers and their global corporations customers 
> irrespective
> of moral considerations.
> The General Agreement on Tarrifs and Trade, was transsubstantiated 
> into the
> WTO so that it could incease its powers to include services in 
> addition to
> material goods and to dictate compliance to sovereign governments. 
> We can expect the WTO to use the services of NATO type organizations 
> to
> enforce its dictates rather than the UN. (As in Kosovo) Failing 
> that, the
> UN will grow its own "enforcement" army.
> War is so messy, but a neccessary means to extend diplomatic 
> maneuvering. 
> (sarcastically) some countries simply will not listen (latin root = 
> obey)
> to reason.
> Regards
> Ed ward Goertzen

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