FWers - Just to let you know - a primer on Basic Income is now available
from Between the Lines books in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.. Authors are
Sally Lerner, Charles M.A. Clark and W. Robert Needham. I take no royalties
- the book is meant to be widely circulated and read to stimulate

"Framing the idea for Canada, this new book makes a compelling case for the
introduction of                                         a universal Basic
Income.  Canadian workers face continuing turbulence as demands escalate
for                             a "flexible" workforce. Globalization and
rapid technological change are pressing in on all of us.

The authors trace in detail the arguments for and against Basic Income, how
it might be                             funded and delivered, the ways in
which it could increase employment and offer varied life choice
                                options.  Seen as more than a cheque in the
mail, Basic Income is evaluated as a policy strategy for
                        dealing with the realities of the contemporary
'great transformation'."

120 pp.   $16.95     ISBN 1-896357-31-8       Payment by check or VISA
 Between the Lines       720 Bathurst St. #404. Toronto, ON Canada M5S 2R4
(416) 535-9914 or 1-800-718-7201         fax (416) 535-1484

Sally Lerner

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