>From: Ed Goertzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: re: torn: Reply to Ed Wieck
>Date: Mon, Dec 6, 1999, 7:35 pm

>From: "Ed Weick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: torn
>Date: Sun, 5 Dec 1999 08:06:05 -0500
>Part of Ed's post begs a reply.
>To obtain clarity, can we agree that capital as a stored value is a good
>thing. That Capitalizm, the monetary manipulation (percursor to individual
>appropriation of excessive capital value) is the essence of the problem?
>The incorrect definition of the problem begs an incorrect solution or
>response. Please add to or modify my definition of the problem!

Dear F/w friends

Here's a snip from  my posted essays (of Nov 25) that helps (me at least ! )


    >snip from earlier essays>>>>>>>

Dictionary definitions of capitalism highlight two essential features of the
capitalist system: that the factors necessary for the production of those
commodities necessary for human life are in private ownership and that these
factors are used for private benefit (or 'profit').

    ( ****** Note the stress on two aspects:

         - ownership and where the benefits from use end up *******)

This definition - focussing as it does on ownership of and profit from the
resources necessary for production - suggests, therefore, the following

Economic    Ownership of        Benefits flow
System:        the means of         to:                     
 Capitalism    Private                Private

 Communism    Public            Public

Co-operative    Private            Public
Totalitarianism    Public         Private
Clearly definition of some terms is necessary:

 * Private ownership can encompass ownership by individuals or groups of
kin or otherwise (åthe family firm¼ and multinational, share-holder owned
joint stock companies are examples of such „private¾ ownership under
capitalism, while, under co-operative socialism, various forms of
co-operative - worker-cooperatives, consumer-cooperatives,
stakeholder-cooperatives and so on - form the pattern of wealth-creating
units, with the distinct objective of creating wealth for the Common-weal,
rather than primarily for the individual).

 * Public benefits, too, needs analysis: „who gets how much - and of what¾
is the essence of politics, and so considerations of income maxima and
minima continue to be central, but since, as Churchill, in one of his most
lucid moments, observed "Ninety percent of politics is economics," our focus
here must remain sharply upon economics.


This led to the Plan of Action !


More hugs



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