At 01:21 PM 12/15/1999 -0500, Steve wrote:

>Despite the fact that the US is the most wasteful of the developed
>nations, and Aspen is a city with a high average income, the resolution
>seems rather balanced. Note particularly clauses 1. and 3. I post it
>here, with the complete rationale (WHEREAS...) following. 

I sense a weak attempt to balance, by the City of Aspen
I sense a slightly stronger attempt to balance, by yourself

>I know there are those who will see ONLY selfishness in this, but please
>respond with debunking of claims, not just with emotions or moral
>indignation. Voluntary simplicity is not freely chosen by the vast
>majority of humans. Hence it isn't a viable alternative to proffer.
>Involuntary simplicity is the most likely alternative in my opinion. As
>long as human population expands, migration pressure will continue until
>all habitats are trashed and predation becomes the universal norm.


I am glad that you raise the Voluntary Simplicity topic

I believe that the balance that must be reached is between Voluntary
Simplicity (mainly on the part of the developed Nations) and population
REDUCTION -- the main contribution the City of Aspen (and most of us in N.
America) can make is in the realm of Voluntary Simplicity  -- rather it
focuses on Immigration, which is at least one step removed from population

Two Voluntary Simplicity sites

The New Road Map Foundation -- Dominguez/Robin, authors of the best-selling
"Your Money or your Life" --

Global Living Project --

Colin Stark

>Reversing population growth is the most humane choice in my opinion.
>BTW, the US is the 4th most populated nation on earth.
>Steve Kurtz
>>NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Aspen hereby petitions the
>>Congress of the United States and the President to immediately
>>deliberate speed and by means consistent with the Constitution of the United
>>States, the consensus of the American People and the President's
>>Council-legislation appropriate to stabilize the population of the United
>>States and insure sustainability: (1) that will encourage and promote all
>>opportunities toward establishing and maintaining material and energy
>>efficiency, social and environmental responsibility; (2) by a return to
>>traditional replacement levels of legal immigration , approximately 175,000,
>>all-inclusive, annually;  (3) by requiring equitable wages and benefits for
>>workers and community environmental protections to be part of all free trade
>>agreements; and (4) by mandated enforcement of our immigration laws against
>>illegal immigration, thereby promoting the future well being of all the
>>citizens of this Nation and the City of Aspen.
>>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999


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