REH replied:
> Are you serious about this?

Yes, just visit the URL.  (You're right that the story sounds like one of
the many M$ jokes, and indeed it gets increasingly difficult to tell the
difference between the (sur)real developments at M$ and the jokes...)

>  There are a lot of Scientologists in
> the arts and I don't find them anymore of a problem than the regular
> church groups with calls for public support in sending the poor to
> parochial schools.    Can Scientology be any worse than church abused
> orphans of a generation ago in Quebec?    Abuse where technology
> meant for the insane was used on sane orphans to keep them in line?

It seems you missed the point.  Scientology is not a church or religion.
I suggest you read some articles like e.g. "Scientology: Religion or
Intelligence Agency ?" at .
Btw, Scientology is under observation of the German Verfassungsschutz
(agency for protection of the Constitution), and I guess that's because
Germans have had their share of totalitarian ideologies and aren't keen
on yet another one taking over.

> If you want to complain about any one group with an agenda then you
> have to, IMO, do the same about the rest as well.    It is good to point it
> out but I'm sure the NSA knows already and is in the business of making
> everyone more paranoid about each other.    So the point here is to
> tell the story and remember that each group is busy trying to do the other
> under.

Well, there are groups and "groups"...  "Trying to do the other under" may
be alright as long as it occurs with fair, open and legal methods, and
among similar competitors; otherwise not.  (Both M$ and Scientology aren't
particularly known for such...)

> The trick is to get out of the way of both elephants and hyenas.

The real trouble starts when an elephant and a hyena join forces...


"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity." -- George Orwell

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