Greetings, everyone,


After our discussion some time ago on Chernobyl, we were left with some uncertainty over just what happened. This information is from a reliable source, one of the Russian engineering team that went into Chernobyl to assess the accident and its causes. They used robots, of course.


The reactor is a graphite, and had no containment vessel. There were about 200 tons of enriched uranium (235) in Unit Four, the one that had the accident. The crew was experimenting with the possibility of increasing the heat yield (and thus the amount of steam that could run the electricity-generating turbines) and lost control of the reactor. Steam built up rapidly within the core, and blew the top of the reactor off. Then there was a second explosion, equal they think to an ‘inefficient’ atomic bomb in power.  This dispersed into the atmosphere, to a height of 70,000 feet, approximately 190 tons of the enriched uranium. Thus now in the reactor only about 10 tons of the material is left. It was covered hastily in a concrete ‘sarcophagus.’ The Ukraine is asking for more international money to redo the sarcophagus, as it is deteriorating.  The official story is that the great majority of the uranium is still in the sarcophagus, but photographs show that this is not correct.


This person did not look at the health impacts of the explosion.


The remaining three units remain in operation today. This is the same model that the Russians have sold to the Iranians, in a deal made in ‘91 or ‘92.  The Iranians are having to pay more and more, and they still don’t have their reactor.







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