> I'm not endorsing his work, Chris, just offering his opinion as part of a
> network of correspondence. But I do agree that to ignore zealotry in any
> religion is to overlook one aspect of the darkness of man.  kwc

Thanks, Karen.  With emphasis on "_any_ religion"... it's just too bad that
Harris forgot about the one that holds the only nukes in the Middle East.
Well, it looks like a nuclear bomb can not only be built believing in the
77 virgins (as claimed by Harris, although that has yet to be done!) but
also while believing that it's NOT OK to eat leavened bread on the
afternoon of the 14th day of the 7th month (8th month in leap years)
of the ecclesiastical year (Mitzvot #108) while it's perfectly OKAY to
eat the same bread in the _morning_ of the same day, and to make a sieve
of Palestinians in ambulance cars?  Doesn't it make Harris feel a bit
unsafe that the guys who believe this hold several hundred nukes and
several nuke-launchable submarines with a 4,000 miles range and the
world's most silent engines?

And btw, did you contrast Harris inflationary mention of "reason" and
"critical thinking" with his unreasonable, uncritical belief in the
official 9/11 story?


"Democracy and Zionism cannot go together.
 Western democracy has to be ruled out.
 In a religious state, there can be no
 [freedom of speech]." --Rabbi Meir Kahane

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