I would like to float the theory that future of work is, in North America 
anyways, dependent on the truth about 9-11. As joe employee I do tend to see 
the Virgin George Bush's face in everything just as a pervert sees sex 
everywhere, or some people see money opportunities everywhere or some see 
fractals places they shouldn't.  But if 9-11 is the result of the 'USraeli' 
conspiracy, below, I will not just tend to see his face in everything,  I will 
stamp it on everything suspect until proved otherwise. George Bush's face, or 
maybe Cheney's, will be the very image of corruption, the poster boy on Enron, 
Pharma, AIDS, Agra, Lobbyists, rule of law...  I will tend to see it as the 
'liberator by contempt' motivation of every manager down to the very smallest 
neocon franchise. George Bush and Dick Cheney will be seen just as one of the 
heads of the hydra. Once the leader declares a free-for-all, why would the 
shareholders go out of their way to disagree?   I'm sure I won't be alone in 
this perception and I do think that will have an impact on the future of work 
generally. Going to work for these companies, which huge amounts of people do 
directly or indirectly, would, for most, become a contemptible, immoral 
experience. There would be no escape except economic disaster. The last company 
I worked for probably has Homeland Security as a client by now. They were 
working on it.  We had the largest of Military Armamements companies as 
clients. Nice people to work with for the most part, very reasonable on process 
and deadlines and courteous. On the  flight-school drop out theory, well, I'd 
have some backing up to do. I'd want to know how all those nice people 
perceived their role in the bright future. One in which neocon globalism and 
militarism is a winnable war. It's not that I would think that there is no 
corruption, I would just have downgraded the zenith and think that we might be 
redeemable. I want to know what I'm working towards. > Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 
13:52:43 +0200> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: 
[Futurework] WTC was hit by a Military Jet> > > I am agnostic by nature so have 
a hard time taking a faith based stand> > pro or con vis a vis The Conspiracy, 
no matter how many grainy videos> > are put forward.> > The question is not 
whether we believe in Conspiracy,> the question is only in WHICH conspiracy we 
believe --> in the official one (caveman in Afghanistan sends Florida 
flight-school> drop-outs to fly into buildings which then crumble from a small 
fire,> as a first in the history of reinforced-concrete sky-scrapers)> OR> in 
the alternative one (USraeli vested interests worth> hundreds of $billions  
killing some Americans and demolishing> buildings with the occupants still in 
-- both things that> Israel has been doing for decades).> > The official 
conspiracy theory doesn't make sense -- not from the> Cui Bono and not 
physically.  As an engineer I KNOW that it's> physically impossible for 
skyscrapers to crumble THAT FAST --> except by controlled demolition -- and for 
this, you don't need> any "grainy videos", just the official recordings that 
many> people have seen live on TV.  This alone kills the official> conspiracy 
theory, because there is no way that the towelheads> could have placed these 
explosives throughout the towers.> (Whereas Silverstein knows top experts in 
controlled demolition.)> The rest is details.  (Such as the question why Atta's 
paper> passport came out unburned while "the fire was hot enough to> melt the 
WTC's steel core".)> > > > Perhaps we can get back to the future of work and 
working.> > An ironic comment since the "War on Terror" is what keeps the> 
world from getting back to the future of work, such as developing> 
enviro-friendly technologies.  After the end of the cold war,> there would have 
been THE opportunity of history for this> (converting military to Green 
technology), but then came the> wars for oil and the WoT (it already started in 
1990 with> absurd hoaxes like the "Kuwaiti incubator babies"), just> to keep 
the military-industrial complex humming, even more> than during the cold war!> 
> Maybe it has to do with the fact that Israel's #1 export industry> is 
"security" and armaments, while it's a zero on enviro technology,> and the 
Mid-East and US/Euro domestic opposition can only be brought> under control 
with the WoT scam.> > Chris> > > > 
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