> http://www.nybooks.com/articles/20370

Industrial GE is a failure -- both from the technical and the publicity
perspective -- and this article's notion that individual small-scale GE
could save the show is scary, not to say mad:  Whatever manipulated
organisms would get out (and many more than in the protected industrial
tests would!), they'd pollute the gene pool of their natural peers,
with unpredictable but predictably disastrous consequences.

Dyson compared the private small-scale GE experimenting with the first
computer hardware geeks, but the appropriate comparison (especially
because he said that the 20th century was that of physics) would be
private experimenting with radioactive substances and nuclear power.
Would Dyson want the risks of a little Chernobyl in his neighbor's
garage?  The same goes for genetic experimenting.

If these reckless madmen get their ways, then good night to the
future of work and just about everything else...


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