While I cam see this is an important topic deserving of deep academic debate
and investigation - I  am just curious as  to how this relates to the
"purpose" of this futurework list?

I am just one of the technical drones that monitor the status of the list
and the hardware it resides on - and every once in a while I browse the

from the listinfo page:

FUTUREWORK is an international e-mail forum for discussion of how to deal
with the new realities created by economic globalization and technological
change. Basic changes are occurring in the nature of work in all
industrialized countries. Information technology has hastened the advent of
the global economic village. Jobs that workers at all skill levels in
developed countries once held are now filled by smart machines and/or in
low-wage countries. Contemporary rhetoric proclaims the need for
ever-escalating competition, leaner and meaner ways of doing business, a
totally *flexible* workforce, jobless growth.

What would a large permanent reduction in the number of secure,
adequately-waged jobs mean for communities, families and individuals? This
is not being adequately discussed, nor are the implications for income
distribution and education. Even less adequately addressed are questions of
how to take back control of these events, how to turn technological change
into the opportunity for a richer life rather than the recipe for a
bladerunner society.

Our objective in creating this list is to involve as many people as possible
in re-designing for the new realities. We hope that this list will help to
move these issues to a prominent place on public and political agendas

The FUTUREWORK list is hosted by the Faculty of Environmental Studies at the
University of Waterloo. "
Futurework mailing list

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