A less positive take on the rise of our dollar.



A Black Day in Canada's Economic History 

By Buzz Hargrove 

Some were popping champagne corks yesterday over the loonie's attainment of 
full U.S.-dollar parity. But their celebration was misguided.

Yesterday was a black day in Canada's economic history. Our dollar's rise to 
parity is a symbolic milestone of the triumph of paper mania over economic 
reality. Far from celebrating, we should be thinking about new ways to stop it, 
and reverse it.

The loonie's flight has been driven by a distorted, unbalanced boom in oil 
exports, and a corresponding surge of foreign takeovers of Canadian resource 
companies. The appreciation benefits just a small, specialized minority of 
Canadians: retailers, some investors, and snowbirds. For most of us, the 
high-flying dollar does much more harm than good. Our wealth comes from what we 
produce, not from paper. And the dollar's rise badly undermines what we do.

Yesterday's events, capping a five-year rise that is one of the most dramatic 
in global history, should give us pause to reconsider the causes and 
consequences of these incredible changes.

Some argue the appreciation reflects global market forces. This implies it's a 
natural, efficient, and likely inevitable result.

But in fact this record-breaking run-up reflects a series of powerful, wasteful 
distortions - not efficient market pressures. Our currency is now at least 25 
percent higher than any estimate of its real value (based on purchasing power 
parity, unit labour cost competitiveness, or any other pragmatic measure). 
That's clearly a distortion.

It's been pushed up by incoming flows of hot money, attracted by Canada's 
renewed status as resource supplier (especially oil). That in turn reflects 
world oil prices driven skyward by cartel power, geopolitical instability, and 
monopoly pricing. More distortions.

Meanwhile, Canadian resource profits are astronomical largely because Canadians 
receive scandalously low royalties for non-renewable resources that they 
themselves own. Oil sands royalties (as low as 1 percent) were set when oil 
cost $20 per barrel, and the technology was unproven. Today oil is $80 per 
barrel, and the technology is utterly predictable. In that context, a 1 percent 
royalty is a blatant, distorting subsidy.

That lucre has sparked an unfettered, chaotic boom in northern Alberta - 
another distortion. Wages and prices rise, pushing up interest rates and 
reinforcing the dollar's ascent. The takeover of Canadian resource companies is 
another distortion: deal-makers scramble to grab virtually any producer with a 
pulse, at unparalleled premiums, lest they be left behind when the M&A party 
ends. The fact that 

Ottawa demands next-to-nothing of these takeovers in terms of protecting the 
Canadian public interest, simply throws gasoline on the fire.

The end result of this chain of distortions is that hard-working, productive 
Canadian manufacturing workers are losing their jobs by the thousand, every 
day. People who work more diligently and productively than ever before, are 
told they can no longer compete - all because of a greed-fueled orgy on 
currency and stock markets that is unsustainable, wasteful, and destructive. 

This isn't inevitable. Policy-makers could immediately release much of the hot 
air out from the loonie's bubble. The Bank of Canada could cut interest rates; 
more importantly, it could announce that future monetary policy will be guided 
(like the U.S. Fed's) by a broader view of Canada's well-being, not solely 
inflation. The Alberta and federal governments could impose new royalties and 
taxes (within their respective jurisdictions) to ensure we all get more value 
from our own resources. Oil sands development could be managed at a more 
sensible, efficient pace. And Ottawa could turn down foreign takeovers that do 
not demonstrate significant net benefits to the public interest.

Those measures alone would knock the loonie back substantially, the day they 
were announced. More importantly, they would re-equip Canada to retake some 
agency in our own economic development. Instead of seeing our economic destiny 
determined by global cartels and hyperactive financial traders, we would 
develop our own resources - and the industries which add value to those 
resources - in line with our own preferences and interests.

The dollar's uncontrolled rise is wreaking havoc over vast tracts of Canada's 
economic landscape. Policy-makers who claim they can't do anything about it, 
are simply passing the buck. It's time for them to do the jobs they're paid to 
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