I guess the current thinking is a pretty high probability of a Democrat
for the next US president, barring large amounts of concealed prejudice
of one sort or another, and Barack and Hillary seem to be falling over
each other this week struggling for the most aggressive position in 
rejecting NAFTA.

This is a shaping up to be rather sadly ironic, when the implosion of 
the US economy is considered. Any dismantlement of NAFTA will be 
just in time to allow Canada to throw up tariff barriers to block cheap 
US goods as the US dollar drops to 80 cents.

...The article Ed forwarded on outsourcing to India contained a silly
bit of misinformation, suggesting British Columbia would be a good place 
for low cost outsourcing. Pretty funny, considering that BC's economy is 
currently running so red hot that the government has just initiated a 
huge ad campaign in eastern Canada to entice economic migrants, as BC 
industries are finding it impossible to fill job vacancies here at any 
wage. Low wage retail enterprises of all sorts are currently suffering 
from poor customer service here, as they are chronically short of 
workers, and are faced with tolerating those who call in sick at short 
notice (probably while out applying for better employment), or firing 
them with poor prospects of finding replacements. Help wanted signs are


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