> In Spending by the Very Rich, No Such Thing as a Slowdown 
> 14 April 2008 
> The New York Times <javascript:void(0)>  
> Who said anything about a recession? Sometime between the government
> bailout of Bear Stearns <javscript:void(0)>  and the Bureau of Labor
> Statistics report that America lost 80,000 jobs in March, Lee Tachman
> spent roughly $50,000 last month on a four-day jaunt to Miami for
> himself and three close friends.
> The trip was an exercise in luxuriant male bonding. Mr. Tachman, who
> is 38, and his friends got around by private jet, helicopter, Hummer
> limousine, Ferraris and Lamborghinis; stayed in V.I.P. rooms at Casa
> Casuarina, the South Beach hotel that was formerly Gianni Versace's
> mansion; and played ''extreme adventure paintball'' with former agents
> of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.
> Mr. Tachman, a manager for a company that executes trades for hedge
> funds and the owner of ''a handful'' of buildings in New York, said he
> has not felt the need to cut back.
> ''I always feel like there's a sword of Damocles over my head, like it
> could all come crashing down at any time,'' he said. ''But there's
> always going to be people who are trading, and there's always going to
> be a demand for real estate in New York.''
> He is hardly alone in his eagerness to keep spending. Some businesses
> that cater to the superrich report that clients -- many of them
> traders and private equity investors whose work is tied to Wall Street
> -- are still splurging on multimillion-dollar Manhattan apartments,
> custom-built yachts, contemporary art and lavish parties.
> Buyers this year have already closed on 71 Manhattan apartments that
> each cost more than $10 million, compared with 17 apartments in that
> price range during all of 2007. Last week, a New York art dealer paid
> a record $1.6 million for an Edward Weston photograph at Sotheby's.
> And the GoldBar, a downtown lounge, reports that bankers continue to
> order $3,000 bottles of Remy Martin Louis XIII Cognac.
> ''When times get tough, the smart spend money,'' said David Monn, an
> event planner who is organizing a black-tie party on May 10 for
> dignitaries and recent purchasers of apartments at the Plaza Hotel;
> the average price there was $7 million. ''Short of our country going
> on food stamps, I don't think we're doing anything differently.''
> Some extreme spenders say they have not cut back on their impulse
> Bentley or apartment purchases because they have made so much money in
> the good times from the Internet, stock market and real estate. Some
> have been able to move their money into investments like private
> equity that are available only to those with extensive capital. Some
> rationalize cars and home renovations as ''investments.'' And some
> simply don't want to skimp on the weddings and anniversary parties
> that they see as milestone events.
> ''We're trying to spend on what we feel is important,'' said Victor
> Self, an executive with a fitness company who, with his partner, is
> planning to spend $100,000 on a commitment ceremony on St. Barts and a
> dessert party for 200 to 300 guests at Jeffrey, a clothing store in
> the meatpacking district.
> Many economists warn that the nation's financial troubles may spread
> far more widely, and could ultimately touch even the wealthiest. The
> financial sector could lose as many as 20,000 jobs in New York City by
> the end of 2009, according to the city's Independent Budget Office.
> And at a March 18 policy meeting, Federal Reserve Board members raised
> the possibility of a ''prolonged and severe economic downturn,''
> recently released minutes show. That threat has undoubtedly caused
> some affluent people to consider some degree of frugality.
> But that still leaves plenty who are consuming away, and one of the
> things New Yorkers love to consume is real estate. In October, Marc
> Sperling, the 36-year-old president of an equity-trading company,
> bought a new condo on the Upper West Side in a building where
> four-bedroom apartments like his cost more than $4 million. When he
> moves into the completed building next year, he plans to hold on to
> his other two apartments in Murray Hill and Miami Beach -- each of
> which he values at about $2.5 million.
> Mr. Sperling views the nation's economic slump as a temporary problem,
> and is grateful that it has yet to affect him. ''I think if you have
> the means to ride it out, that's what you do,'' he said.
> His view of the subprime mortgage crisis seemed to reflect a sort of
> inverse class resentment.
> ''I don't want to sound harsh, but the people who were buying
> million-dollar houses with a combined household income of $70,000 or
> $80,000 were the ones who were chasing easy money,'' he said.
> Days before the collapse of Bear Stearns <javscript:void(0)> , the
> bank's chairman, James E. Cayne, paid $25 million for a 14th-floor
> condo at the Plaza Hotel.
> He, too, is invited to the May 10 party at the Plaza. It will feature
> a dozen female string musicians made up to look like statues and
> clothed in dresses of fresh flowers, like roses and gardenias. There
> will be caviar and Cognac bars, as well as a buffet designed to
> visually replicate 17th-century Dutch paintings from the recent
> Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibit, ''The Age of Rembrandt.''
> Even high-end rentals are going fast. In just the three weeks since it
> arrived on the market, a four-bedroom apartment at 15 Central Park
> West, advertised for $55,000 a month, has gone to contract. The
> broker, Roberta Golubock with Sotheby's International Realty
> <javscript:void(0)> , said she showed the apartment to eight
> financially qualified prospects.
> Some New Yorkers defend their spending as investments or gifts to
> themselves. In August, Karen Borkowsky and Robert Kennedy, a partner
> in a law firm, were married at the Rainbow Room. The reception, which
> the event planner, Shawn Rabideau, lavished with glass and calla
> lilies, cost $150,000 to $200,000. But when Ms. Kennedy considered
> that she had survived breast cancer and, at age 41, married a guy she
> had dated in high school, the wedding's cost seemed less exorbitant.
> Then, shortly after returning from their honeymoon, the couple started
> a $400,000 project to combine and restore two apartments into a
> three-bedroom, three-bath co-op on the Upper West Side. ''We are
> investing in the longevity of the apartment,'' she said.
> There are also some people who say they have not been hurt because
> they have poured so much money into opportunities not available to the
> Main Street investor. Paul Parmar, a 37-year-old investor in companies
> specializing in health care, defense, media, luxury items and private
> aviation, says he is living just as large as ever.
> In recent months, Mr. Parmar, who lives in Colts Neck, N.J., said he
> bought 140 acres in Mineola, Tex., and is spending $20 million to
> begin building a refuge there for abused tigers. Since January, he
> said he added to his car collection with a $110,000 BMW
> <javscript:void(0)>  750 Li (for his girlfriend) and a Bentley Arnage
> for himself, for about $300,000. He is leasing a Maybach through
> Luxautica, an ''ultimate car club'' that has annual fees of about
> $125,000.
> ''On a spending level,'' Mr. Parmar said, speaking about a possible
> recession, ''it doesn't affect me at all.'' That said, providers of
> luxury goods reported anecdotal evidence of a widening gap between the
> merely rich and the ultrarich. Clifford Greenhouse, who owns a
> household-staff employment company, said he suspects that the merely
> rich might be starting to lag behind their far richer counterparts,
> and are trimming their budgets. He cited reduced demand for chauffeurs
> -- a relatively small-ticket service -- yet ever-strong demand for
> private chefs, butlers and ''household managers.''
> Darren Sukenik, a real estate broker with Prudential Douglas Elliman,
> said that while business may be slower for clients with a mere million
> to spend on apartments, none of his clients with budgets of more than
> $2.5 million have stopped shopping. Seth Semilof, the publisher of
> Haute Living, a luxury magazine, said that luxury car dealerships that
> advertise with him are pushing Bentleys and Rolls-Royces at the
> expense of less-extravagant cars like the BMW <javscript:void(0)>  5
> Series.
> ''If you look at the $20 million-plus market, it's still strong as
> ever,'' Mr. Semilof said. Some of the ultrarich are still willing to
> pay above sticker price for things they want badly enough. Mr. Semilof
> helped three buyers in the past two months acquire Rolls-Royce Phantom
> convertibles for as much as $200,000 above the asking price of
> $465,000.
> And Eric Lepeingle, a yacht salesman for the Rodriguez Group
> <javscript:void(0)> , said that since January, three New Yorkers
> bought yachts worth $8 million to $35 million. Although the weak
> dollar does give some pause to buyers considering Italian-built
> yachts, Mr. Lepeingle said, they eventually give in. ''They want the
> product anyway,'' he said.
> All sorts of products, actually.
> ''They want their Jeroboam, or Methuselah, or Nebuchadnezzar,'' said
> Ronnie Madra, referring to the sizes of Champagne bottles served at
> 1OAK, a lounge on West 17th Street where he is a part-owner. A
> Nebuchadnezzar, weighing in at 15 liters, costs up to $35,000.
> There would be no Nebuchadnezzar for Mr. Tachman and his friends in
> Miami, but they soldiered on until the moment the wheels of their
> private jet returned to the tarmac in New York.
> There were hand-rolled cigars, massages, guided rides in racing boats
> and fighter jets -- all arranged by In The Know Experiences, a travel
> and concierge service in Manhattan.
> ''It was just all out -- it was insane,'' said Mr. Tachman. ''I'm not
> afraid to spend money like that.''
> ==========================
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