
NY Times
July 22, 2008

As Travel Costs Rise, More Meetings Go Virtual 


Jill Smart, an Accenture 
  executive, was skeptical the first time she stepped into her firm's new 
videoconferencing room in Chicago for a meeting with a group of colleagues in 
London. But the videoconferencing technology, known as telepresence, delivered 
an experience so lifelike, Ms. Smart recalled, that "10 minutes into it, you 
forget you are not in the room with them."

Accenture, a technology consulting firm, has installed 13 of the 
videoconferencing rooms at its offices around the world and plans to have an 
additional 22 operating before the end of the year. 

Accenture figures its consultants used virtual meetings to avoid 240 
international trips and 120 domestic flights in May alone, for an annual saving 
of millions of dollars and countless hours of wearying travel for its workers.

As travel costs rise and airlines cut service, companies large and small are 
rethinking the face-to-face meeting - and business travel 
  as well. At the same time, the technology has matured to the point where it 
is often practical, affordable and more productive to move digital bits instead 
of bodies.

The emerging trend, analysts say, goes well beyond a reaction to rising travel 
costs and a weakening economy. "These technology tools are going to change the 
way corporations think about travel and work in the long run," an analyst at 
Forrester Research 
 , Claire Schooley, said. 

Past predictions that technology could replace travel have been frequent and 
premature. The main difference today, analysts say, is that the technology is 
finally catching up to its promise. No single breakthrough explains the 
progress, but rather a series of step-by-step advances - and steady investment 
- in telecommunications networks, software and computer processing.

The results can be seen not only in the expensive new telepresence systems like 
those from Cisco Systems 
  or Hewlett-Packard 
 , but also in more mainstream collaboration technologies - Web conferencing, 
online document sharing, wikis and Internet telephony. The audio and desktop 
presentations in Web-based meetings, for example, are now more likely to be in 
sync and interactive.

Companies of all sizes are beginning to shift to Web-based meetings for 
training and sales presentations. "Only in the last two years has the 
technology gotten to point where it really makes sense to use it," said Alan 
Minton, vice president for marketing at Cornerstone Information Systems, a 
60-person business software company in Bloomington, Ind. 

With his sales force doing many product demonstrations online, Mr. Minton 
estimates the group's travel costs of have been cut by 60 percent and the 
average time to close a new sale has been reduced by 30 percent.

No one suggests that the face-to-face meeting is becoming obsolete, or that it 
is time for a requiem for the road warrior. Companies talk about using digital 
tools mainly as a way of making business travel more selective and more 

Still, the potential for digital displacement of business travel is 
substantial. A report last month by the Global e-Sustainability Initiative, a 
group of technology companies, and the Climate Group, an environmental 
organization, estimated that up to 20 percent of business travel worldwide 
could be replaced by Web-based and conventional videoconferencing technology. 

The most dedicated business travelers tend to be management consultants, 
investment bankers, accountants, lawyers and technology services consultants. 
Much of their work has to be done in person with clients. But these 
professionals are increasingly using online collaboration tools for work within 
their firms.

At I.B.M. 
 , Michael Littlejohn, a work force and technology expert in the company's 
global services unit, said two years ago, he was on the road 13 to 15 days a 
month. These days, he says, he travels 8 or 10 days a month. "But my time spent 
with clients is not less," he said. "To really understand a client's problems 
or to close a deal, you need face to face."

Corporate training and education is a field many companies are moving online, 
in part to trim travel costs. Darryl Draper, the national manager of customer 
service training for Subaru of America, used to travel four days a week, nine 
months of the year, presenting educational programs at dealers nationwide. 
Today, Ms. Draper rarely travels and nearly all of her training is done online. 

Previously, Ms. Draper estimated, in six months she would reach about 220 
people at a cost of $300 a person. She said she now reaches 2,500 people every 
six months at a cost of 75 cents a person. 

A range of companies offer the mainstream online communications and 
collaboration tools, including WebEx, Citrix, Microsoft 
 , I.B.M. and others. The most rarefied offering, though, is telepresence 
videoconferencing. Today, it is an elite product supplied by a few companies, 
including Cisco, H.P. and Polycom 

Completed telepresence rooms, typically with three huge curved screens (and a 
fourth screen above for shared work), custom lighting and acoustics, cost up to 
$350,000 - though that is down from $500,000, when H.P. sold its first system 
in early 2006. 

The resolution on telepresence screens is even sharper than on high-definition 
televisions, and images can be magnified to inspect products. Engineers at the 
far-flung labs of Advanced Micro Devices 
 , for example, scrutinize the microcircuitry on new chip designs using the 
company's telepresence systems. And the images of people on screen are 

Cisco, which has more than 200 telepresence rooms, figures it is avoiding $100 
million in yearly travel costs, and reducing its greenhouse gas emissions from 
air travel by 10 percent. H.P. says air travel among its offices with 
telepresence rooms is down 25 percent. 

When used regularly, the rooms pay for themselves within a year, analysts 
estimate. Sales of telepresence systems will more than double this year to 627, 
estimates the market research firm IDC, and reach more than 8,000 by 2012. 

There is a certain paradox in telepresence, in that it is all to simulate the 
richest form of human interaction: people talking to each other, face to face.

And it is not a perfect substitute. Ms. Smart, the chief of human resources for 
Accenture, still travels about 10 days a month. "You don't learn about other 
cultures in telepresence," she said. "You get things from being there, over 
breakfast and dinner, building relationships face to face."

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