Brad  wrote to Keith:

>I was going to make precisely this response to whoever
>came up with the nonsensical notion that 50 years ago in
>America people had the idea that one month you could be a
>doctor, the next month a lawyer, etc.

Brad, old chum,

I said:

"Way back in mid-century, we thought that Americans lived a different work 
experience. An American might be teacher one month, a lawyer the next, 
running a factory the third, farming the next. In England jobs were 
somewhat inflexible. If you were a milkman, you stayed a milkman."

"Whatever truth may have clung to these fantasies seems long gone."

Not nonsensical, Brad. Simply what young people in England thought about 
that amazing place several thousands of miles away.

 From a country where everyone knew his place and where often the important 
factor was how you spoke, rather than how able you were.

The Americans seemed so free.  (I said it was a fantasy.)


Harry Pollard
Henry George School of LA
Box 655
Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141
Fax: (818) 353-2242

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