Keith, just a reminder -- George Bush is almighty POTUS and Tony Blair is
his prophet.

Ed Weick

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 2:47 AM
Subject: [Futurework] Is Tony Blair a coward?

> As FWers will know, I think that Bush is a coward. He is afraid of sacking
> his senior staff, such as his last Treasury Secretary, face-to-face.
> (However, to be kinder to Bush, it's possibly embarrassment rather than
> cowardice. He just hasn't the language or understanding to be able to
> explain why he [that is, the group behind him] is sacking the staff member
> [or even appointed him in the first place!]. I wouldn't mind betting that
> Bush has never spoken personally to N. Greg Mankiw, his new Economic
> Advisor, when he was appointed last week. Bush is so simple-minded he
> wouldn't know what to say to an intellectual like Mankiw, even by way of
> casual conversation, never mind economics-talk.)
> We are shortly going to see whether Tony Blair has any courage, as a
> consequence of Claire Short's threatened resignation. Claire Short has
> expressed herself more forcibly than any Minister before her. She has said
> that Blair has been "extraordinarily reckless". Her main argument is that
> international law, fragile though it is, must be repsected. Now in any
> ordinary circumstance (if a threatened Ministerial resignation can ever be
> called "ordinary"!), Blair's immediate response should be to sack her
> immediately and not give her the satisfaction of resigning.
> But No!  Oh no!  He hasn't done so. It is said that Blair is "surprised"
> Short's decision (which, if true, would make Blair to be totally stupid,
> which he's not) but that, at the moment, he has no response, because he is
> "so totally focussed" on getting international support for the new UN
> resolution.
> My guess is that Blair can't do anything about Claire Short just for the
> moment (that is, during today and tomorrow) because he can't judge whether
> her threatened resignation will set in train further Ministerial threats.
> He just doesn't know how far or how deep feelings are in his Cabinet. And
> nor does anybody else just at the moment because the only way of knowing
> this is when it's publicly announced. Blair will probably go as far and a
> speedily as he can in trying to convince people that a second UN
> will be attainable. But if he doesn't succeed during today or tomorrow,
> then the game is up.
> Blair will have to say whether he's prepared to go to war without a second
> resolution. He's almost said that so far. He hasn't quite said so in black
> and white terms.
> He'll have to find some courage in the next day or two in deciding whether
> he, along with Bush, is going to wreck the United Nations.  Claire Short
> resignation (or not, as the case may be) will take care of itself.
> Keith Hudson
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
> 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
> Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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