I have removed these two styles and replaced them with the much
more general style "PositionPlacement".

Old styles


New styles

  PositionPlacement Center
  PositionPlacement UnderMouse

PositionPlacement can do a lot more.  You can give an argument
that is interpreted like the arguments of the Move command.  E.g.

  PositionPlacement -0 -0

places a window in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Furthermore I generalized the syntax of the move arguments:


Where "position" can be any string in the old syntax.  The new
suffix 'w' means percent of window size.  Any nubmer of offsets
can be given and are interpreted like this:

 <n> or +<n> or ++<n> or --<n>
   plus <n> percent of screen size

 -<n> or +-<n>
   minus <n> percent of screen size

 <n>p or +<n>p or ++<n>p or --<n>p
   plus <n> pixels

 -<n> or +-<n>
   minus <n> pixels

 <n>w or +<n>w or ++<n>w or --<n>w
   plus <n> percent of window size

 -<n>w or +-<n>w
   minus <n> percent of window size


 * Move window to center of screen

     Move 50-50w 50-50w

 * Place center of new windows at 300 500

     Style * PositionPlacement 300p-50w 500p-50w

 * Move a window down by 10% of its size + 3 pixels

     Move keep w+10w+3p

 * Move a window up by 10% of its size + 3 pixels

     Move keep w+-10w-3p


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


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