On Wed, 8 Aug 2007 03:15:31 +0100
"seventh guardian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you starting FvwmButtons outside the StartFunctions? That's not
> what the man page recomends :P If you started it inside StartFunction
> it would work fine. But that was a good thing after all :)
Yep, I know it is not a good thing to do. But until now it never exhibited
this problem. I can, however, re-think my config in a smarter way. It
should not need too much changes. That is not a problem.

> > > Can you please specify when this started to happen? It would help
> > > identifying the change that led to the bug..
> > >
> > I am not quite sure, but making some memory, I am pretty sure I saw
> > this behaviour on Saturday night, at 21:40, because I was waiting
> > for someone at that concrete hour. I live in GMT+1. I can't tell
> > you if the bug was the present the day before, or even a couple of
> > days before.
> >
> > I rarely restart anything unless I need to, that is why it might have
> > been unnoticed for days. But I usually restart fvwm always after
> > recompiling it. So, there is a big chance that the submission of the
> > buggy piece was around that time or little earlier. I can't be sure,
> > though.
> Yep, I believe I was the one who introduced the bug recently. It was a
> problem with startup modules, hopefuly solved now.
> > > Well, I guess no release until we get this sorted out..
> Can you please check if this solves your problem?
> > Thank you for your quick response.
> You're welcome. Now I must get some sleep.. Its 3:19 AM :)
I just recompiled and it is still the same. But as you say, it is time
to go to bed. It is +1 hour around here.

Thank you for everything :)

Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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