Thomas Adam <> writes:

> On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 06:11:57PM -0500, Dan Espen wrote:
>> I think TA mentioned it was slow.  I don't know if he measured it
>> or not.
> Yeah:


> Note interpret_menu() is the culprit -- the scan_AppDir() and
> read_desktop_entry() subroutines don't help, but I suspect most of that is
> down to having to stat() and read in a lot of small files, so I wouldn't
> concentrate on those two subroutines just yet.
> If anyone needs help interpreting the output from that, let me know.

Well, aren't we most concerned with elapsed time?
Doesn't that put read_desktop_entry right at the top
of our list.

Our script runs slowly the first time and then pretty fast
the second time.  Most certainly because all the files it reads
are cached.  Were you able to control for that in your timing tests?

I notice a number of calls to check_file which would be doing the
stat you mention.  I don't understand the point of calling check_file
without checking the return value.  It doesn't set any globals or
print any diagnostics.  I count five calls like that.

Dan Espen

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