Recently I find it annoying that hotkeys in menus can only be
simple characters because of the menu item syntax, e.g.

  + &FvwmConsole ToggleFvwmConsole

I'd like to extend the hotkey logic so that it also works with
moulti character key names like "f1" and possibly sequences like
"ctrl-shift-space".  The code to allow this whoould be mostly
there already, so the question of syntax remains.

One option would be to somehow extend the existing syntax to allow
longer key sequences, e.g.

  + FvwmConsole &(f1) ...

(resulting in "FvwmConsole _f1_"), which might break existing
menus.  ANother option might be to add a separate hotkey menu
command, e.g.

 + FvwmConsole (f1) ...
 AddMenuItemHotKey f1

The hotkey would be merged into the previously defined menu item.
I cannot say that either option looks good to me.  Can anybody
think of a cleaner or more natural way to define hotkeys, possibly
recuycling the syntax of the "Key" command?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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