On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 10:25:52PM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Hi all,
> Given my diminishing work on FVWM, I need to think about handing over the
> FVWM Forums [1] and the FVWM Wiki [2].  I cannot devote the time needed for
> their maintenance, nor do I want to act as a point of contact for them
> anymore.
> They're very low traffic sites, and the only real burden will be the PhpBB3
> maintenance.  Whomever wishes to take that on might want to consider
> upgrading that, and/or ditching it for something else entirely.  Note that
> there are still a number of users who use that site.  The wiki, by contrast,
> is less used.  In fact, much of the content therein has come from myself.
> One final thing to note, I own the domain name fvwmforums.org and am willing
> to hand that over, and furthermore, if you want to take this on, you'll need
> to consider hosting of the wiki since I won't want to be using my domain for
> this in the future.
> Jaimos Skriletz is currently very kindly hosting the forums for me.  I don't
> know if he's willing to continue that given I'm handing this over to someone
> else, so I'd consider hosting that yourself.  He's been exemplary in his
> role as host and has done a great job at ensuring no real downtime as a
> result, so thanks Jaimos!
> Any questions, please ask.

This thread seems to have decended in to a different subject altogether, so
I want to bring it back to my original question.  Those of you concerned
about FVWM's continued development can ask in a different thread---I do not
want nor care to discuss it here.

Answers to the question asked above would be good, please, otherwise you'll
lose the data in due course, and it will only be available on request for
those who wish to resurrect it.

Forgive the terseness of this, but I want you all to appreciate the impact
of this.

-- Thomas Adam

"It was the cruelest game I've ever played and it's played inside my head."
-- "Hush The Warmth", Gorky's Zygotic Mynci.

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