
with fvwm-crystal, I get an issue with a localized xdg menu. If I
launch fvwm as a Xephyr session and use its default configuration (no
config file), I get a very simple menu where it is a Desktop Menu. If I
click on it, I get an applications menu with several menus in it:

Fvwm Applications
Suse Applications
Xfce Applications
Xfce Settings Manager

which correspond to what I have in /etc/xdg/menus. The Fvwm
Applications menu is my localized menu. If I browse it, only parts of
it are localized, and other parts are not when the localization exist
in /usr/share/directories.

I made the following function:

DestroyMenu FvwmMenu
AddToMenu FvwmMenu
+ DynamicPopupAction PipeRead 'fvwm-menu-desktop \
    --desktop fvwm-applications \
    --enable-mini-icons \
    --mini-icon-dir $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icons/fvwm-desktop'

Key A A $[Mod1] Menu FvwmMenu

With it, I get only the fvwm-applications menu, and it is entirely
localized (the part which are already done, it's a work in progress).

After that, I removed all the files in /etc/xdg/menus but
fvwm-applications.menu, and after launching fvwm, I get an error
instead of the menu:

# fvwm-menu-desktop
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 634, in <module>
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 232, in main
    menulist, desktop_temp = getmenulist(desktop, menu_type)
  File "/usr/bin/fvwm-menu-desktop", line 400, in getmenulist
KeyError: 'xfce'

What is strange is I don't have any xfce key into the menu. I try with

# XDG_MENU_PREFIX=fvwm fvwm-menu-desktop

and it work fine. It should be nice fvwm if fvwm-menu-desktop would be
able to use by default a fvwm-applications.menu if it exist and is the
only one in /etc/xdg/menus.

I made another try, to issue 'SetEnv XDG_MENU_PREFIX fvwm' into the
fvwm console in crystal, and with it, it work when I launch fvwm with
Xephyr, that even if I move back the other menu files.

So, to summarize, it should be nice fvwm if fvwm-menu-desktop would be
able to use by default a fvwm-applications.menu if it exist and is the
only one in /etc/xdg/menus. And without XDG_MENU_PREFIX defined and
its default fvwm configuration (no fvwm config file at all),
fvwm-menu-desktop localization seam to be confused when it is several
menus in /etc/xdg/menus with different localizations or non


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