As a little bit of explanation how to read this output:

On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 10:00:16PM -0300, wrote:
> cre: 935(1) 0(2) 985(0)x1080(0) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 0x06200031  
> 'Adobe Reader'
       ^^^   ^^^   ^^^    ^^^^       ^^^^^^^^^^
        X     Y   Width  Height    Internal window id

These are the values from the COnfigureRequest, i.e. the message
that was generated when the application tried to change the window
geometry.  If the number is parentheses after the value if zero,
that bit of information is unused, if it's non-zero, that part of
the geometry was requested.

This request looks sensible, and from that I guess your screen is
1920x1080 pixels (16:9).

> cre: 0(1) 0(2) 3276(4)x1048(8) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 0x06200031  
> 'zshguide.pdf - Adobe Reader'

  "Move window to +0+0 and resize to 3276x1048"

The width looks weird.

> cre: 0(1) 0(2) 3286(4)x1080(8) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 0x06200031  
> 'zshguide.pdf - Adobe Reader'

Similar, but some decorations seem to have been taken into
account.  From the requested height I assume your window window
border is 5 pixels thick and the window title is 22 pixels high.

> cre: 65529(1) 65481(2) 3300(4)x1142(8) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 
> 0x06200031  'zshguide.pdf - Adobe Reader'
       ^^^^^    ^^^^^

The program has added space for another border around the window
by subtracting some pixels from X and Y and adding some to Width
and Height.  The coordinates have become negative, but the program
seems to store them as "unsigned short", not as signed int as it
should.  So it gets a wraparound and requests some astronomically
huge coordinates (which the X server limits to 16 bits again).

> cre: 0(0) 0(0) 3300(4)x1142(8) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 0x06200031  
> 'zshguide.pdf - Adobe Reader'

  "Resize window (without actually changing its size)

> cre: 1433(1) 65517(2) 985(4)x1080(8) fw 0x00401005 w 0x06200031 ew 0x06200031 
>  'zshguide.pdf - Adobe Reader'

Back to the original size with what looks like random coordinates:

So, is this what you see, a window starting at X=1433 with a page
that is about 3300 pixels wide?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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