On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 02:01:04AM +0100, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> That leaves much room for interpretation.  A "clean break" to me
> would mean to write it from scratch, and that's practically
> impossible because the fvwm2 window managing code contains many
> hundreds of hours undocumented experience with strange
> applications and optimising communication with the X server.

Sorry -- I'm not suggesting it's from scratch, but I really want to ensure
that by "clean break", I mean an opportunity to not be hindered, and for us to
adopt more "current" things such as XCB.  I see that as a real benefit.

Consistency is another thing I'd like to see.

> I have no intention of removing _useful_ features because the code
> looks ugly.

No one has suggested that.

-- Thomas Adam

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