On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Jesús J. Guerrero Botella <
jesus.guerrero.bote...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> Regarding the dependency tree, I guess the latest changes added a
> dependency on pyxdg and stalonetray for the new configuration that
> fvwm ships by default.
> Is there something else that has been added or removed at lib level?
Those are the only ones that I can think of that have changed. In this case
I would considered them optional dependencies. The default-config will work
if stalonetray is not installed (in this case there is just no systemtray
in the panel). The python dependency is only for the fvwm-menu-desktop
script and xdg menus. Since this seems to be the standard menu system it
should be added if you want users to have menus work without having to
install extra packages. So without the python dependency and a .menu file,
system menus cannot be generated via the script.

Note that fvwm-menu-desktop also requires a .menu file, as fvwm does not
provide one. You may want to add a dependency to some gentoo package that
provides a .menu for the user to use as well. In the Debian package I have
put these as recommended packages (both python-xdg, stalonetray and a menu
(lxde menu is the one I like the best in Debian)), but not required depends.


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