On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Dominik Vogt <dominik.v...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 05:00:33PM -0600, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 4:21 PM, Dominik Vogt <dominik.v...@gmx.de>
> wrote:
> > > On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 11:04:14AM -0600, Jaimos Skriletz wrote:
> > >> Sometimes when a process stops the window will remain open until some
> > >> event is triggered in fvwm (in my test I use FvwmIdent) in which fvwm
> > >> will remove the window.
> > >
> > > That is not possible unless either
> > > ...
> >
> > The process do not appear in 'ps fax' and the script outputs [Done] on
> > all the jobs that were run in the background in the shell, so this is
> > not the case.
> >
> > >  2) the X server has a bug,
> >
> > This does seem to be the case. The user and myself both tested this
> > running an xsession with only an xterm. We could not reproduce it with
> > only running an xterm.
> >
> > I decided to test another window manager, openbox in this case, and
> > was able to reproduce the issue in openbox. So it seems to be some bug
> > with how the xserver but may require a window manager to trigger it.
> I wonder what that trigger could be.  If the window can be moved,
> fvwm is communicating with the X server in both directions, so if
> a destroy event was pending it should have been delivered to fvwm
> before any mouse motion events.  Maybe the X server itself has
> destroyed the window internally but not yet sent the event for
> some reason, and does so only when some request for that window is
> issued.  (Moving the fvwm window does not move the client window
> directly but the frame.)
> If you type "xsync" in FvwmConsole, does that kill the window?
> (This forces all pending requests and events to be delivered in
> both directions.)  My guess is that it doesn't, i.e. no event is
> pending.
​Typing xsync into FvwmConsole did not trigger the removal of the windows.

> > In all cases trying to get any info from the xserver closes the
> > windows. I have tried xprop, xwinfo and even just xdpyinfo and xvinfo
> > will close all the windows that were left open when running that
> > command.
> Does it also kill the window to request information from a
> different (non-zombie) window?
​It kills them before I even get a chance to pick the window to identify. I
am not able to find away to get any info on the zombie windows, as soon as
I query xorg with xprop or xwinfo, all zombie windows are removed, then it
gives me a pointer to pick a window. If I use FvwmIconMan (which still has
the windows) to Identify via FvwmIdent (using the window ops menu), the
windows disappear and I get no output from FvwmIdent. No errors in
.xsession-errors either.


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