After choosing "Rebuild Sample 95" from a menu, configuring it and
restarting (via FvwmScript-Setup95) the following happens:

*FvwmTaskBar: Cause of next X Error.
   Error: 4 (BadPixmap)
   Major opcode of failed request:  56 (ChangeGC)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  0
   Resource id of failed request:  0x400072
 Leaving a core dump now

#3  0x8054e0a in PrintXErrorAndCoredump () at XError.c:59
#4  0x804d7c3 in ErrorHandler (d=0x8059b78, event=0xbfffe708)
    at FvwmTaskBar.c:2061
#5  0x400b5d87 in _XError () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#6  0x400b3141 in _XEventsQueued () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
#7  0x400a714e in XPending () from /usr/X11R6/lib/ 
#8  0x804c3cc in LoopOnEvents () at FvwmTaskBar.c:1385
#9  0x804a75a in EndLessLoop () at FvwmTaskBar.c:389
#10 0x804a66b in main (argc=6, argv=0xbffff3bc) at FvwmTaskBar.c:350

Can someone else reproduce and take a look into this?

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