Hi All,
        Not a bug so no bug report

This function sets a variable set_focus_to that is the window that focus
is going to get moved to due to a window with focus going away. The
process loks like this:

1) if the window going away is a transient set set_focus_to to the
transient_for window

2) if set_focus_to not set and the window going away is a click_focus or
sloppy_focus got to set set_focus_to to the next window on the window
list on the same desk as the window going away.

3) if set_focus_to is set to a window on the same desk as the window
going away transfer focus to set_focus_to.

I think this has a couple of defect:

A) transient windows with parents on a different desk cause the focus to
get set to none. A fix is to either transfer focus to the parent and
switch desks or not look on other desks for the parent so 2) becomes

B) in 2) I think CirculateSkip should be honoured (and
CirculateSkipIcon) like the Prev command. I would prefer to skip iconic
windows too but I can work around that with a function.

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