On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 10:34:44PM -0500, fvwm-bug wrote:
> FVWM Bug Tracking notification
> new message incoming/719
> Full_Name: Andrey Panov
> Version: 2.3.32
> CVS_Date: 
> OS: linux-2.4.5
> X_Server: XFree-4.0.3
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I was running fvwm-2.3.32 for 8 days and it occupied about 10Mb of memory.
> This is line from top: 
> 14091 panov      9   0 10432 1588  1280 S       0  0.0  2.5  12:32 fvwm2
> For all this time I did not run any themes, pipes and so on. I use
> fixed fvwm2rc file (but create gnome and kde menus on start with PipeRead
> 'fvwm-menu-desktop ...').
> After Restart (from its menu) fvwm occupies about 2 Mb.
> It looks like a memory leak in fvwm.
> My system is i386, linux-2.4.5, glibc-2.2.3, gcc-2.95.3, XFree-4.0.3.
> I configured fvwm with --enable-multibyte option.

Note that the top output is hard to interpret and does not
necessarily mean that fvwm itself is using this much memory.  The
plain fvwm code has been tested for memory leaks very thoroughly,
so it's higly unlikely that we missed a leak this big.  On the
other hand the multibyte code is still experimental and has not
undergone extensive tests.  Please

 1) provide your config file.
 2) Send the output of "fvwm2 -version".
 3) Try to identify a any action that increases the size of fvwm2
    reported by top.

A general description of your day to day tasks (regarding fvwm)
might help to check the problem too.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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