On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 04:57:53PM +0200, Lorenz Minder wrote:
> I don't actually think this is release critical, but I think it should
> probably not be me to decide that, therefore I figured it would be
> better to mention that anyway.
> I have another problem with unclutter. Here's a minimal config:
> Style   *       SloppyFocus
> Key     Tab     A       M       Next [*] Focus
> Reproduce:
> 1) Open two xterms.
> 2) Move the mouse on the title bar or border of one of these xterms.
> 3) Switch windows with Alt-Tab (but leave the mouse pointer where it is)
> 4) Wait --- When unclutter hides the mouse pointer, focus is switched
> 5) Even more annoyingly, you can't switch back with Alt-Tab, it will
>    immediately switch back again.

The problem is this:

When unclutter hides the pointer, it creates an invisible
subwindow to the window that currently contains the pointer.
Since the pointer generates an EnterNofity on the new window and
unclutter sends a synthetic EnterNotify on its parent so that the
application thinks it still has the cursor.

Now, while the cursor is hidden, unclutter waits for any
interesting event including FocusOut on the parent window.  If it
gets one, it destroys its subwindow, creates a new one and sends
another EnterNotify.

With SloppyFocus and MouseFocus this new EnterNotify moves the
focus right back to the old window.  There is not much we can do
about this in fvwm, it has to be fixed in unclutter.  fvwm
responds correctly to the events it gets.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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