On 02 Jul 2001 19:46:22 +0200, Olivier Chapuis wrote:
> I have found a little problem in the tar ball and I've no solution
> to solve it.
> I do not know why but modules/FvwmScript/Scripts/FvwmScript-Setup95
> is in the tarball (only the .in version should be in it).
> FvwmScript-Setup95 is removed (normal) and build (not normal at all)
> when we do a make dist. When building fvwm FvwmScript-Setup95 is
> not rebuild from FvwmScript-Setup95.in. So, FvwmScript-Setup95
> will work only if the prefix=/usr/local (or an other recent
> version of fvwm is installed with this prefix ...).

Oh, true. Both rpms suffer from this problem, i.e. they have broken
Setup95. So new users will get the initial menu with a non-working item.

> The only fix I see is to do the following:
> gunzip fvwm-2.4.0-pre2.tar.gz
> tar -delete -vf fvwm-2.4.0-pre2.tar 
> fvwm-2.4.0/modules/FvwmScript/Scripts/FvwmScript-Setup95
> gzip fvwm-2.4.0-pre2.tar

Good hack, but then this should be done by everyone who does
"cvs update -r version-2_4_0".

> This is really only a partial fix since it does not seems that
> FvwmScript-Setup95 is rebuild at the second configure even
> if Makefile's are modified (say by changing the prefix).
> Note that modules/FvwmScript/Scripts/Makefile.am is really
> similar to modules/FvwmForm/Makefile.am but FvwmForm-Setup is not
> in the tarball, however, if you do
> ./configure; make; ./configure --prefix=/foo; make; make install
> FvwmForm-Setup is not rebuild at the second make and so
> does not work ... (need a make clean before the second make;
> work also for FvwmScript-Setup95)

I may fix these rebuilding problems too.

> > Guess it's time to put the Champagne in the Refrigerator :o)
> I have only one or two Hoegaarden in my frigerator but
> I do not think that this problem should stop the procedure.
> I think we will see others small problems in the next few days,
> and it will be good to release 2.4.1 in a short time.

Well, the only true error is inclusion of FvwmScript-Setup95 into the
tarball, others are not critical, "make clean" fixes them for now,
so I will see whether they are worthy fixing too.

I don't know whether 2.4.0 is announced yet, I suppose it is not.
I will fix this error and retag changed files.

Then I will "make distclean2; cvs update -r version-2_4_0; make distcheck2",
on other machine, rename and upload fvwm-2.4.0-pre3.tar.{gz,bz2} files and
Jason will rename them to fvwm-2.4.0.tar.{gz,bz2} tommorow.

Anyway, nothing critical happened. We may continue a celebration. :)

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