On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 05:22:30PM +0700, Dmitry Yu. Bolkhovityanov wrote:
>       Hi!
>       First, some time ago here was expressed a strong intent to split
> fvwm2.1 into fvwm2.1 (giving a description of fvwm and its commandline
> options) and fvwm2rc.1 (listing all config-file options). Is this still
> going to be done?

I have no opinion about that.

>       Second, regarding modules' configurations...  Fvwm maintains a
> database of "*ModuleName..." lines (a-la X resource database) and gives
> them to modules via GetConfigLine(), right?  But several man pages in
> modules/ still include statements like "On startup FvwmFoo reads the same
> .fvwm2rc config file as fvwm", which are technically wrong.  It seems
> worth changing all such things into a unified reference to some part of
> fvwm2rc(5) ("MODULE COMMANDS"?).
>       Here is a list of such incorrect man pages (to the right are
> patterns used for grepping):
> FvwmAnimate.1 reads the same
> FvwmBacker.1  scan the same
> FvwmDragWell.1        same file that fvwm used during initialization
> FvwmEvent.1   reads the same
> FvwmGtk.1     reads the same
> FvwmIconBox.1 reads the same
> FvwmIdent.1   reads the same
> FvwmPager.1   same file that fvwm used during initialization
> FvwmSave.1    same file that fvwm used during initialization
> FvwmScript.1  ???
> FvwmScroll.1  same file that fvwm used during initialization
> FvwmWharf.1   configuration file will be the
> FvwmWinList.1 the same configuration file
>       I can do appropriate modifications, but I'm not so sure in my
> english, so hope this list is of some help.

You're sure welcome to do that.  These statements were probably 
written a very very long time ago and nobody noticed the
inconsistencies.  If you are unsure about your English, just state
which parts you touch and somebody will take a look.

> BTW, there's a statement in fvwm2.1::"ANATOMY OF A WINDOW":
>       The default configuration has a title-bar button on each side of
>       the title-bar. ...
>     That's not true: "fvwm2 -f /dev/null" gives *no* titlebar buttons.

Probably it would be best to simply remove the whole sentence.
Nobody uses the default setup anyway.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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