On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 08:48:31AM -0400, Dan Espen wrote:
> I'm using current CVS.
> This morning FvwmBanner using the default image isn't shaped anymore.
> I'd guess this test is failing:
>   if (FHaveShapeExtension && view.mask != None)
>     FShapeCombineMask(dpy, win, FShapeBounding, 0, 0, view.mask, FShapeSet);
> In libs/FShape.h I see 2 definitions of FHaveShapeExtension:
> /* Shapes supported by server? */
> #define FHaveShapeExtension 0
> /* Shapes compiled in? */
> #define FHaveShapeExtension      0
> This is Solaris 8, the X Server supports shapes.

It's my fault.  The macro FHaveShapeExtension in libs/FShape.h is
always zero.  I think I'll just stop making releases.  Most of the
time, I'm under high pressure when making them and thus make a lot
of unnecessary mistakes.  This might be acceptable for beta
releases, but 'stable' releases with the current quality are
unacceptable.  Consider the fix for the shape problem commited.  I
think the 2.4.3 release should be built soon, but I'll stay out of
this discussion now.  Dan, could you again decide when the release
should be built?


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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