On 08 May 2002 10:21:35 +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 10:43:08PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > I can see a need in additional colors per colorset. Say, something that
> > could be used in Vector buttons, currently only fg, bg, sh and hi allowed.
> > So, we may add sh_vector, hi_vector.
> I don't like the idea over overloading individual colour sets with
> lots of colours.  Tim and I discussed that back then when he wrote
> FvwmTheme cand came up with the four colour structure we have now.
> Mikhael, what you are probably seeing a colour set as a kind of
> 'theme' whereas I see it as a colour pair with options.  I agree
> that there may be a need for more complex theme like structures.
> But I'd rather see them as a layer on top of colour sets.

I see a colorset as the only way to define colors inside a rectangle box.
I don't think that 4 main colors are enough for all needs. IMHO, it is
sometimes better to extend a colorset a bit if this solves a class of
problems than to use a new colorset just for one single color (other 3
colors and background image are unused).

There is no much need for sh_vector and hi_vector, they were examples.
Although they don't consume more than some bytes and have good defaults.

But do you have anything against adding fg_shadow color (or fgsh)?

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