On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 11:56:43PM +0200, Jan Echternach wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 12:02:53AM +0200, Jan Echternach wrote:
> > I've tried fvwm-snap-20020607, and the root colormap is restored properly
> > again.  But the old bug is also back: Closing Netscape's "Find" window
> > with ESC doesn't restore Netscape's colormap if the pointer is inside
> > the Netscape window, but outside the "Find" dialog.
> Same with fvwm-2.4.8.
> I've discovered that HandleEnterNotify() is only called with Netscape's
> "frame" window in this situation, not with the real window.  Output from
> a fprintf() at the beginning of HandleEnterNotify():
>   ewp->window=0x8000a0, Event.xany.window=0x8000a0, Tmp_win->w=0x14003ae
> If the pointer was inside the transient "Find" window before closing it:
>   ewp->window=0x8000a0, Event.xany.window=0x8000a0, Tmp_win->w=0x14003ae
>   ewp->window=0x14003ae, Event.xany.window=0x14003ae, Tmp_win->w=0x14003ae
> If the pointer is moved onto the title bar:
>   ewp->window=0x8000a1, Event.xany.window=0x8000a1, Tmp_win->w=0x14003ae
> I've no idea what this Tmp_win->frame window is,

The frame window is the big window that contains the client window
(->w) and all the decorative windows.

> or why there is sometimes
> one EnterNotify event and sometimes two.  But changing
>   Event.xany.window == Tmp_win->w
> to
>   Event.xany.window == Tmp_win->w || Event.xany.window == Tmp_win->frame
> near the end of HandleEnterNotify() seems to fix (or work around)
> the problem.

I'd rather not modify the EnterNotify handling code.  It's rather
touchy at the moment.  And it shouldn't be necessary either.  In
the situation you describe, no EnterNotify events are generated
because the pointer doesn't change windows.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^

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